Thursday, September 4, 2008

Take Joy!

"The gloom of the world is but a shadow; behind it, yet within our reach is joy. Take joy."

I hope you all had a relaxing long holiday weekend. I know its Thursday and I'm late on the wishes but boy does the time go by. We had a little family picnic ...just Dino, Lydia and me at Cross Creek Lake by our home. A little fishing a lot of food, it was a good day.

That's a picture of Dino sitting at the table. Hard to see him but he's there. He looks exactly like Brad Paisley (he's a Country Singer for those who don't listen to country music). It's freaky to see him on tv...Brad Paisley that is. I would show you a comparison but Dino doesn't like me posting his pictures...I think I could get by with this one though ;~)

So like I said today is Thursday. We call it "Fat Thursday"...meaning my sister and I get together and calories and carbs don't count. We've been doing this for 8 years now. We get together every Thursday night with our daughters and have a girls night. Boy am I looking forward to it tonight. I've been busy working on lots of new primitives for our Autumn Gatherings show at 1824 Antiques. And also for an update on Rabbit Hill Primitives...which is Sept 9th. I also changed the graphics one night (not on the list) but felt like playing on the computer. I was up until 2 a.m. and what a learning experience. It's much easier to buy graphics let me tell you.

I hope you all have a happy day and "Take Joy"


  1. I love your pictures..the picnic setting looks perfect..
    hugs to you, deena

  2. Hi Jenn ~
    Heading to PA for the week-end
    and thinking about you !! Love
    the picture of Dino at the Lake...
    arent you a lucky girl.
    Feels like Fall here in CT also.
    EnJoy ~~ Sending Big Hugs !!
    ~~ Connie xox


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