Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pretty Things... and PW Scrumptous Apple Pie

"Natures peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves"
~John Muir

Just a quick update this morning. I'm having a party today for Dino and my Dad's birthday and I've been working hard but having lots of fun working in the garden, baking, changing up the house to look more cozy. Really no work at all!
I love the fall and it's perfect days. I was getting ready to plant up some mums and found this big guy sitting there saying hi! Hee Hee! Apparently he knows how well he looks in orange. mums probably have bugs! Oh well isn't he beautiful?

Yesterday I made this wonderful "Scrumptious Apple Pie". Making a birthday cake also but I really love pie more and wanted something sweet for me. This is a "Pioneer Woman" recipe and if you haven't checked out her blog you all her recipes (Apricot Bars are delightful!) Here's a link to the recipe... It's so perfect for this time of year.

Lastly...I received a nice comment from Doreen at Vermont Harvest Folk Art so of course I had to go check out her blog. She has the prettiest picture of her home decorated for Fall. Love the stone wall and all the trees around can almost smell the leaves. The corn stalks and pumpkins on her porch look so inviting. I'm so behind!!! It's just beautiful. Check her out.

Thats all for now ~ I need to go bake a cake! Have a happy day!!! xoxox


  1. Well aren't you so sweet Jenn for mentioning me here!!! Thank you!

    This pie looks amazing..I just got apples the other day...I think I will try and squeeze making this pie into my schedule tomorrow!

    Lovely pictures.

    Take care,

  2. You are such a joys!!! and I love to visit..we are kindred spirits for SURE!!
    love the pie amaze me..
    you do it ALL!!



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