Monday, October 20, 2008

Adventures in Ohio...part 2

So I am the one with the camera but my sister is the one driving (visit previous post if you have no idea on what I am talking about) and my mind is never where it should be. Instead it is like this "Look at all that pretty bittersweet!" or "I wonder what color paint they used??" yada yada yada... in this case if you look close at this not so great picture you will see a bunch of birds picking at the hay and 3 boxes filled with white pumpkins. Visit my sisters blog to find out the stupid thing I did at this little Amish store on our way home from Ohio

We also love to drive the back roads to look for bittersweet which is so pretty to decorate with. Usually its the three of us....My mom, driving the getaway car, while my sister and I cut bittersweet like madwomen before another car drives by and calls the cops on us...."we are just doing our part to prune back this crazy weed to beautify this lovely state we live in officer" (I don't know about the other two but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

If your not sure what bittersweet is, its a North American vine that grows on trees and bushes which are difficult to eradicate from your landscape. But during the fall season bittersweet vines put on a lovely display of a deep yellow shell of berries that when dried bursts open to reveal an orange jewel within. The bittersweet plant's fall foliage covers its victims in a yellow splendor. They grow naturally in central and eastern U.S. except for Florida.

So if you wish to help your state out also, this is what to look for....just never dig it up only prune a little here and there.

This is the vine growing up a tree. It's the same color as wild grapes but has a different leaf.
Here's a close-up
And this is what it looks like when dried.
Have a happy day today!


  1. Oh Jenn, Love your pictures, and
    your captions made me laugh out loud. What a great day you had off with your sister to hunt for Bittersweet.
    Good for You !!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Sending Warm Ct Hugs ~~
    Connie xox
    PS....Love all your items for Sale !!

  2. Oh oh oh..
    I want some..
    the ones that grow here in the Singing Woods
    have just berries at the tips of the branch
    I had some at our last house..
    I'm buy ing plants this Spring..
    you're a blessing to me


  3. I do the mad rush to cut all the bittersweet I can before the cops arrive also..I've never had anyone stop but...that's the thrill.I always did it with my Mother and I hope my daughter will pick up the tradition also.Michelle


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