Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Good Morning.....taking a break today. Lydia was sick last week and this weekend it finally caught up with me. And I was trying so hard. Spraying everything with Lysol, washing my hands constantly, not eating her chocolate Frosty....that was a tough one. Like my little parakeets, I think I will be napping all day in between watching the Inauguration Day ceremonies. Have a good day!


  1. Jenn-Make sure you take it easy. I starting comeing down with some thing last Thursday still worked all day and night.(Dummy me) Now it is 5 days later and I havent left my house or been to work. I got it all. The Flu. cold, cough body aches. YUK I am sore from laying around.( oh my bones.) Hopefully tomorrow I will be somewhat back to normal.

  2. Hi Jenn ~ Glad to hear Lyida is back to normal..now you need to get some rest.
    I think the hard thing at this time of year ... is that we keep passing it back and forth in the house. I started yesterday not feeling too well...Im hoping its just a cold.
    Sending Good Thoughts & Hugs ~
    Connie xox

  3. Looks like little Henry is the baby. Hope you are feeling better today!

  4. Hi Jenn,
    Thanks for stopping by, I live in West Brownsville right up the hill from California University:)

    I hope you are feeling better...I had it right after Thanksgiving cold, body aches and fever only had it for three days though!

    I'll be stopping back:)
    BTW I love lasanga!


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