Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Friends

This is Phoebe. She visits me everyday around 11:00 a.m. while I work. She's waiting for me to put a few peanuts on the window ledge.
Hannah has come to wait for Phoebe. Her instincts kick in and she wakes up from her nap at 11:00 everyday to see if she's there. It's so funny how they have no clock but know the time.

" Please may I have a few peanuts??" says Phoebe
"Please may I eat you??" says Hannah

"Hee Hee Hee!" says Phoebe

You can almost hear her laughing! She's a smart little squirrel.


  1. How cute!! Your kitty knows when its time to feed the squirrel. What a pretty colored squirrel. We don't have any red colored ones around here just the brown, and black ones which are my favorite.


  2. Hey Jenn-I hope your staying warm. The pictures are so cute. Cats are funny with the time thing. Our Mumma kitty is like clock work. Unfortunetly to early for me. When I first got married the lady in the Apt. building next to us use to feed a squirel right out of her hand. The squirel would come everyday around 4.00 and wait by the porch for the peanuts. They are really smart. Have a warm and safe week.

  3. OMG, that is so great, wonderful photos and your words illustrate this so well! I enjoyed it very much!
    Yes, animals are very, very smart. Our pug will sleep all day and at exactly 5:00 P.M. she is wide awake and sitting at the door waiting for my DH to get home from work!
    Loved this,


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