Monday, February 9, 2009

A Little Hope....

"He has made everything beautiful in it's own time"
~Ecclesiastes 3:11
I went for a little walk though the garden this morning looking and peaking at dirt mostly. Low and behold I found this sweet little snowdrop blooming her heart out. I don't know how she made it over there when her brother and sisters are across the walkway still tucked in bed. If our weather stays in the 50's the next few days I have a feeling they will be waking up also.

It's funny how these tiny little flowers, that would be overlooked in June, are so cherished in February.


  1. Oh the little bloom is just too sweet!....I'm afraid that if this warm weather keeps up they'll all come out and then freeze when it gets cold again! Janet :)

  2. Good Morning Jenn-Yes I am loving this weather.I can't wait till Spring. We have alot of yard work to get done. This winter has been rough so far on our Apple trees. I'm glad to see you are back to stiching. Your work is wonderful. Enjoy this week, get your rain boots out instead of snow boots. LOL


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