Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Stinks....not really....yea! yea!

FLASHBACK FRESHMAN YEAR 1981...remember High School Valentines Day Carnations??? Each color had a meaning: White was "Just Friends"; Pink meant "I Like You"; and Red was....well we all wanted red! I was so hopeful for a carnation...stupid valentines know where this is going don't you?? I thought about it all week, letting it build up that Teddy R. (a 10th grader) would send me at least a white carnation. It didn't happen. Sometimes high school was not fun. Luckily we have girlfriends. After that year of tragedy and listening to "Love Stinks" over and over again my friend Rhonda and I decided we would send each other a pink carnation every year even if we had boyfriends. Those pink carnations were so special I can't even recall the other valentines I received.

FORWARD 2009...Flowers are pretty but I don't need them...well maybe if there are roots attached. Just knowing that someone loves you is plenty. Lesson learned, it sure is nice to be grown-up sometimes.

I hope your sharing Valentines Day with someone special...your sweetie, a girlfriend, your kids, or even a kitty or puppy...they love you too! Happy Valentines Day my friends.

I think I'll go call Rhonda....


  1. That was a great little read Jenn! We had a great Valentine's Day! Alice Jane ditched us once again so we ended up having lunch at a little diner and had the best cheeseburgers ever! Hope you had a great one as well!

  2. Oh Jenn ~~ High-School...the happiest of days,
    and the saddest of days. Thanks for sharing one of your memories. I'm so glad to be grown up too. lol Hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Valentines Day !!
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox


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