Sunday, April 12, 2009

Buon Pasquale

Happy Easter! It's a beautiful day here in Pennsylvania. The sun is shining with not a cloud in site.

I've got all my peeps in a row today. What's going on??? It's Easter and I am ready, my family is ready, everything is ready....we've been to church, ham is almost done and I'm just sitting here watching Paula Deen, drooling over a crab stuffed flounder she is making. JUST SITTING HERE ~ that never happens on holidays!! We are headed to my parent's home for Easter dinner then over to my brother-in-law's for dessert....this will probably be my second dessert because my mom makes the best egg custard pie! Speaking of desserts....Paula is now making a banana split frozen dessert ~ I'm dying here! YUM!!

I wanted to wish y'all (as Paula would say) a joy-filled happy Easter. Praise God for our Saviour Jesus! I hope your spending this beautiful day with family and loved-ones.

Buon Pasquale as the Italians say...
Love, Me


  1. Buon Pasquale !!! Jenn I love coming here and getting a little Italian fix. Hope you all had a wonderful day..celebrating with Family.
    Sending Blessings ~ Bunny Hugs & Love ~ me xox

  2. Joyous Easter to you and yours Jenn..i'm so sorry I'm just getting over here to wish your a Happy Easter!!!



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