Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Onion Snow

Gosh I've been trying to write here since Thursday! I've been having some issues with my computer and its off to the shop for two weeks! Luckily Dino was able to get me a loaner and I think everything should be fine until then.

Thanks everyone for visiting my website for that little update of Easter and Spring Goods...I truly appreciate it! A few things are still available http://www.rabbithillprimitives.com/ if you'd like to take a look.

I've been on a search for a new magazine since Country Home and Cottage Living have ended. I use to love Country Living but in the past few years things have changed and I would be on again off again with my subscription. It seems that Country Living has a new editor and she is requesting emails about what we would like from the magazine. Her email is sarahgray@hearst.com if you'd like to write her. I would love to see more ideas and pictures of early and primitive decorating....wouldn't you??

While on that search I found this magazine which was quite interesting. Though not much decorating. It was a lot of good reading and lovely pictures about true country living with articles about collecting, crafting, gardening and healthy cooking.

One of the articles near and dear to my heart is about honey bees and bumbles bees and how they are disappearing. The "Great Sunflower Project" is asking for volunteers to plant a sunflower and twice monthly count the number of bees it attracts in a half-hour or less. This will help researchers pinpoint regions which bees are most scarce. To sign up visit http://www.greatsunflower.org/. A free packet of Lemon Queen Sunflower seeds is sent to you for planting.

April 1st was the day to hang your hummingbird feeders. Here in Pennsylvania they usually start arriving early-mid April and they really rely on us since it can be hit or miss for them with early spring blooming flowers....they need lots of high-energy sugar rich-fuel for migration. Check the hummingbird migration map to see how far along they are to you. http://www.hummingbirds.net/map.html

We've also had another bird visiting us the last few days and NIGHTS! Early Sunday I could hear a bird singing in a tree by our house. First I thought it was morning, then I looked at the clock and it 3:00 a.m.! We have lots of cats and a few owls in our neighborhood so I thought it was a bird in distress. I got up, put on my robe, and went outside to scare away whatever was bothering this poor creature....have I mentioned my neighbors think I'm crazy?? There on the tippy top of our pine tree, like a star at Christmas, stood a mockingbird singing his little heart out. After a little research I found that it was just a love song. Apparently all adult male northern mockingbirds sing during the day, only a bachelor sings at night. He'll stop doing this as soon as he wins a mate. He's still looking for her because I can hear him as I'm typing this.

The poor little daffodils look so pretty with snow filling up their cups. I guess this is our onion snow. I think this might be a regional term...here in PA, onion snow is a common expression for an early spring snow that comes right when the wild onions are sprouting at the edges of woods and fields. It's usually gone by mid-afternoon...thank goodness! Have a great day!

Mockingbird photo courtesy Wikipedia


  1. Good thing you explained what 'Onion Snow' is, I had NO clue...
    Guess I better go and find me a copy of that magazine, Thanks for sharing Jenn...I'm getting tired of just too many ads...
    Our Hummers aren't here yet but my feeders are clean & waiting...
    Enjoy your Easter my Friend...


  2. Love your new bunnies!! I'd better go get my hummingbird feeder!! Haven't had one in years, but want to get several different feeders, since there are a ton of birds here!! Take care~~Jackie


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