Saturday, June 13, 2009

How Sweet It Is......100 Post Giveaway

"How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow"

Oh my! I've been away for too long. Busy as a bee but loving life with Lydia home from school. We have been running around everyday and just dropping off to sleep easy as pie each night. That's always a blessing. She's such a good girl. She will be starting summer camp in another week and I'll have a bit more time to get work done.......I've missed my blogging friends also and need to catch up!

Don't you just love this rose. I paid $2.00 at Walmart at the end of last season. Don't you just love it more now?? I love a good deal! I think its called "Wild Blue Yonder" It's even more magical in person with a hint of blue at its edges.

I've been working on an update for June 22nd. I've got lots of things started here just sitting around naked with no limbs ~ boy does that sound morbid. These things have to get done in stages you know. They will all be dressed and ready to go by the 22nd.

I can't believe this is my 100th post! You all are wonderful for reading my ramblings. I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. In honor of my 100th post I'm giving away this little mouse sitting on a wool pin cushion tuffet. He is weighted and not attached so you can use them together or separately.

To enter, post a comment here before the end of the day on June 20th. To post a comment click on ~Share Your Thoughts~ at the bottom of this post. Then scroll down and you can post your comment in the box. If you don't have a blogger id or can't figure out how this silly comment thing works just send me a quick email and I'll enter you in.

I hope you are all well and enjoying a beautiful sunny Saturday. For my friends in Australia I hope your winter so far has been a mild one. Have a happy day! xoxox Jenn


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm close behind and think I better start thinking of a give away...
    My boys' last day of school was yesterday and I've been trying to decide if things are busier or quieter in the summer :)
    I look forward to your update!
    Blessings, Patti
    p.s. Lovely rose & such a bargain!

  2. Hey Jenn~Congratulations on your 100th post! I always loved summer, having the kids home...we had so much fun! I think I dreaded school starting as much as they did...your rose is absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to "see" what you've been working on! Have a wonderful weekend friend! hugs~Kathy

  3. Congratulations on your 100th posting WOOO HOO !!!! I love the rose and also a good deal :)


  4. Congratulations for having 100 posts! I LVE reading your blog...HAVE a great summer!

  5. Jenn,
    What a beautiful rose & at such a great price. I bought a bunch of autumn sedum last year for closeout prices & they are coming up beautifully. Love your mouse ! how sweet. Congrats on your 100th post ~ I'm getting close. I would love to be entered.

  6. Hey Jenn!
    Congrats on your 100th post!! Loove the mousie ~ too sweet! I would love to be entered in your drawing! How wonderful it would be to win! :)

  7. Congratulations!!! your little mouse pinkeep is adorable:) please enter me in the giveaway!
    take care Kim

  8. What a sweet little it. Read your blog frequently. Please enter me. Thanks Marsha

  9. Hi Jenn...please sign me up for your giveaway....I would be honored to have one of your little creations.


  10. Congratulations!!!! 100 posts is fantastic! Your pictures of the flowers are soooo pretty....I have enjoyed them!
    Please enter your mouse!

  11. Congratulations! I Love your Blog. Read it all the time. Please enter me in the drawing. Your little mousie is just too sweet.

  12. Hi Jen! Congrats on 100 posts! Each one is so interesting and I love to check in to see what you are up to....especially the yummy recipes!
    The roses are beautiful, the mouse is adorable and I would love to be entered in your drawing!

  13. Congrats Jenn ~~ 100 Posts ... Woo Hoo !!!
    It's been great to read all the goings on
    at Rabbit Hill Farm, the recipes, and to see all your wonderful creations. I am just now back on...I have been having computer problems...fingers crossed I'm fixed. I will send you a link to a slide show of the girls dance recital. I think we may head out to Lancaster this coming Thursday. the 25th its our anniversary week-end and I would like to spend it in PA !!! Fun ... Fun... Fun,... maybe we will finally cross paths. :-)
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox
    PS ~~ With all the rain the house is still not done...its close...I'm thinking I should buy wood and ask Paul to start on the Ark !!!


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!