Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I completely forgot...

A few photos from my shade garden. Please ignore the weeds....I mean wildflowers ~ yea that's it...that's the ticket! (hee hee remember that saying??) I'm solely here for my own entertainment. Sorry....

I love blue lupine but sadly they are almost finished now.

We have a little goldfish pond with a small dribbley waterfall buuut....

the showstopper for me by the pond is the Sum and Substance Hosta's...its still early in the season. Their leaves will measure about 10" wide by 20" long when all grown up.

I love the different textures of these blue hosta's with the Japanese painted ferns. That little tiny heart shaped leaf on right is Epimedium. It's a wonderful and tough little ground cover that gets sprays of pale yellow flowers in early spring.

Another view looking towards the pond.

I love moss ~ period.

Wild Roses on a faded picket fence that the deer have no problem jumping over. Luckily my garden is just an appetizer for them. My retired neighbors have hugh lovely vegetable gardens behind me and that's really where they are headed!

Well that's it! Have a good one today and everyday! xoxo Jenn


  1. Thanks for commenting on my house photos. Your garden is divine :)

  2. Ah I love the shade plants unfortunately I'm one of "those neighbors" with the huge veggie garden on a sunny sunny hill! We do have incredible (and terrible all at the same time) wild roses in pink.
    Jessie at Blog Schmog (a fellow PW reader)


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