Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How Dry I Am....Nobody Knows How Dry I Am

This has been day two with no water for us. There was a large water main break and the water company had to shut off our neighborhood to fix. I really am jealous...

On the brighter side...no laundry was done today.


  1. Oh Jenn! So sorry to hear that you have no water! But..as you said..no laundry! (: Wonderful pictures! I'll be thinking of you...it's raining here!~Kathy

  2. Jenn..what fantastic pic's..i'm so sorry to hear that you have no water but very glad to see you are looking on the bright side of things :)

    Have a wonderful day

  3. I am so sorry for you! Hope that you get it soon.

  4. Hi Jenn ~~ Hope your water is back by now.
    Love your pictures...great shots. Have a Wonderful 4th of July...if I remember right I think you are having a big party, have Fun !!
    Love & Hugs ~~ Connie xox


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