Monday, August 31, 2009

Funnel Cakes and Corn Dogs

Yesterday I woke up with a little end of summer cold. And today there is a chill in the air that predicts what is coming. With those two things I actually made a pot of tea instead of a cup this morning. Now I'm all jazzed up on caffeine and will probably be running for the bathroom all day! I do love my tea though. A busy day of shipping and sewing ahead. Pot Roast in the crock pot then tonight I'll be updating the Early Works Mercantile site for September 1st.

Last week we visited our local county fair. It was so much fun and a cheap date for the family as well. One pass buys all....carnival rides, bands, demo derby, livestock, the blue ribbons of veggies, flowers, baked goods and quilts and crafts. I love it. Plus all the good "healthy" food. Caramel apples are my favorite. We had a great time and even won a fish "Robbie" who now hides out in our pond.

All the animals were sleepy.

"yes we do! "

Largest Veggies

How rude!

He looks like a killer.

Sending warm happy thoughts to you today. Jenn


  1. Hi Jenn...What wonderful your commentary on them :)..that bunny does look like a killer..and that is rather rude of those piggies to put their backsides to us :).

    We will be going to the fair this year on Labor Day..Our nephews are in the livestock judging this year..with their calves...sure wish our fair was one price includes all..gosh the fairs have gotten expensive around here!

    It is a chilly and sunny day here..i just love it. I too am taking photo's and doing uploads. Enjoy the tea and that yummy pot roast..happy creating.

    Hugs, Doreen I'm craving a caramel apple..yummmm!!!

  2. Oh My Gosh Jenn...
    All I could think of is 'Pork Butts'...
    YUM...That has got to be one of the funniest pics I've seen. Is that their Best Side???

    Can't wait for the Autumn Fairs..You got some great deals there with all that for the price of a pass...

    Enjoy The Changing Seasons My Friend...

  3. Jenn..I just love your pictures of the fair! They're great and brought back lots of wonderful memories! Hope you are feeling better! How did the roast turn out? Warm hugs to you too!(:

  4. The photos are great! Now I want to go to a fair sometime soon. The pig butts are the funniest.


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