Saturday, August 15, 2009

"I'm going back to Charleston, back where I belong"

And I can certainly see why Rhett.

While away on vacation, my sister-in-law, Anne, her mom, Jeannie and I escaped for a day trip to Charleston. It is everything you would expect it to be. Everyone was so kind and the homes where beautiful and so well-kept.

I took these pictures while driving. Good thing the people ARE so nice :)

What is the deal with the fancy front door to the porch? Everyone in Charleston seems to have one. I want a fancy front door for my porch....
Rainbow Row.... Prettier than pictured (again ~ still driving)
History: In 1931 Dorothy Legge purchased 99 and 101 East Bay, beginning the renovation of the area between Tradd and Elliot Streets. Originally these mid-1700 homes had been the center of commerce; merchants had stores on the first floor and lived on the floors above. Neglect over time left these valuable buildings in a state of disrepair. The purchase and restoration by Mrs. Legge inspired others, and today this beautiful array of homes is known as "Rainbow Row".
While there we had lunch ate at this wonderful little place called the Hominy Grill which was fantastic. I've already planned my menu choices for the next visit.
This was my meal...makes my stomach growl. Shrimp and Grits. It was the best meal of my entire trip. Sauteed shrimp, mushrooms, scallions and bacon over cheese grits. I loved this so much that I bought their cookbook for the recipe.

For dessert we couldn't decide so we each picked something different to share. Jeanne had Buttermilk Pie, Anne had the Sweet Potato Layer Cake and I had the Pecan Pie. I think we all agreed the Buttermilk Pie won but trust me there was not a crumb left of the others. The Chocolate Pudding was highly recommended also ....again next time.

Charleston is a truly lovely and charming city.


  1. Hi Jenn!....what pretty pictures!....I would love to go there and I've always wanted to go to Savannah, Georgia too....and I love Buttermilk Pie, yum! Janet

  2. I have ALWAYS..ALWAYS wanted to visit Charleston..I think it is just a gorgeous & beautiful historical place. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures.

    That meal looks fantastic!

    Hugs, Doreen

  3. Oh how I miss the south! We only lived a little over a couple of hrs away from there last year. Seeing the pics ; I am ooh & ahhing & remembering.


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