Monday, September 28, 2009

Are you smarter than a third grader??

My happy place...

Lord help me I can't do third grade homework! Normally I am the most patient person in the world but between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. I am some crazed lunatic (as in suffering loss of emotional control). Thank goodness for the Internet....what did our parents do??? I really don't think they were as involved as we have to be but since I've had a child I am slowing losing brain cells and can't remember.

Although all of the above is true, I hate to say it but I am learning new things. For instance tonight Lydia had to write sentences from her vocabulary words. One of the words is "records" as in the best performance in a competition. I want to tell her examples but that will make it easy (it is so tempting) and she needs to make up her own.

Stay with me for a minute I am going somewhere with this. I had her look up the word "records" (again thank you Internet). She noticed a crazy picture from the Guinness Book of World Records. I can't believe I never told her about these? We looked up everything from the fastest time to carve a pumpkin ~ 24.03 seconds, to a boy balancing 16 spoons on his face. We are learning good stuff tonight!!

I thought you all would get a kick out of what she decided upon....

"In the book of world records the smallest teddy bear is 0.17 inches."

Just for the record he is fully jointed with hand sewn eyes, nose and mouth. Can you see him below the coin??

I'm going back to my happy place now.

*Photo copyright Guinness World Records.


  1. Oh Honey made me laugh out loud I remember those day all too well. The evenings can be sheer madness...and your right I think we mostly did our homework alone when we were kids. Your a good MoM keep up the good work. And I love your happy place photo, but I could not see the bear. (old eyes).
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox

  2. Jenn...
    I remember suffering (Way Back When) doing my MATH homework by myself, if you want to call it that!!!NO one could help me at home and I was completely LOST...To this day I get so agitated when I even SEE a Math problem...Talk about NEW math, the Old was Bad enough...
    Thank heavens I can drive (My Mom couldn't) and pick Catherine up after school if she needs help...
    I feel for you completely...Catherine's a senior in high School now and is taking AP Physics and is extremely good in All Math (unlike the MOM)so I can still hide under my Blanket!!!

    Good Luck to you and the Sun-downing Hours of the Evening...

  3. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  4. To find out if you are smarter than a third grader take a small quiz here -


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