Tuesday, January 5, 2010

snowy day

my studio this morning

Wheee the snow is really flying today. Trying to get back into the schedule but boy is it hard. Making a big pot of chili for dinner tonight, perfect for the kind of day it is. Also thinking about apple cake....

I love this weather and the coziness of it all. Enjoy every minute.

"Life isn't long enough to do all you could accomplish. And what a privilege even to be alive. In spite of all the pollutions and horrors, how beautiful this world is. Supposing you only saw the stars once every year. Think what you would think. The wonder of it!"
— Tasha Tudor


  1. Such an inviting path to your studio...A needle and thread, a cup of cocoa, and away you go... Enjoy a beautifully cozy day!
    ~ Judy

  2. Hi Jenn!....I love winter with a passion so I know exactly what you are saying and you said it so well!

    Love the pic at the top and your studio looks so cozy!


  3. Great photo - what a cute studio.

  4. I LOVE your studio Jenn :)! I know what you mean about having trouble getting back into the swing of things..especially when it's cold, snowy and blustery outside and so cozy inside...I just want to take hot baths and read!!! :)

    Hugs, Doreen

  5. Snow's flying here too and Chili's on the menu as well... yum...stay warm!

  6. Hey Jenn! Love your new blog look..the picture, snow and the Tasha Tudor quote is lovely! Chili sounds wonderful! yummm...and apple cake too...I think I will go grocery shopping tomorrow morning...there is talk of more snow. Maybe we will be snowed in! (:
    Warm hugs for you dear friend~Kathy

  7. Oh it is so nice to hear of someone enjoying the snow. Your images are delightful!

  8. Jenn ~~ You sound safe, happy, and cozy all the things I love about being home in the winter. Your studio looks so perfect sitting out there in the Snow. Have a Great Week-End !! Love your easy breezy music !!
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox


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