Saturday, February 6, 2010


Poor kitty...Lydia wanted to see what Hannah thinks of all this snow

"Where's my warm bed!!"

We are in the middle of a Nor'easter here in PA.  Oh my I can't remember the last time it snowed like this.  All roads are closed with the 20 + inches of snow and still coming down.  It's so quiet and beautiful.  I like to take walks at night when it snows crazy like this.  Last night I set out for my little walk around midnight.  It was so bright.  Walking past my neighbors house I saw a flash.  I thought it was in my mind or is someone setting off fireworks??  Then I heard a muted boom and another flash.  Lightening.  Then I realized it was not as bright anymore.  Like being in the middle of a gray cloud.  Ask anyone, I freak out in lightening.  I ran back to the house as fast as I could with visions of being struck by lightening and buried in the snow.  Short walk this time!

Now that its morning I love it again.  Quiet and beautiful....
Our little neighborhood

My studio...pathway not finished yet.


  1. Hi Jenn! I didn't know you are in PA! What part of the state do you live in? I live in Newburg which is near Shippensburg. We have about 22" of snow so far! I love being out in the snow at night also! We cleaned our driveway off around 9:00pm last night and it was so pretty! I didn't see any lightening though! WOW!

  2. Oh your snow is so beautiful Jenn! We got robbed this time rained all day yesterday! It's snowing some this morning but I want an epic snowstorm like DC is getting!! ::::whine::::


  3. Beautiful snowfall! Your studio appears so far away...perhaps you should tuck in cozy and warm with a cup of hot cocoa?
    Warm hugs to you,
    ~ j

  4. How absolutely beautiful Jenn!!! A walk at midnight in the fantastic..although..the thunder would be a bit scary!!!

    Send it this way would you...they said it was so cold was keeping the snow from coming this how ridiculous is that!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful snowy Saturday!
    Hugs, Doreen

  5. I feel for you with the crashes of thunder!
    But the image of walking at midnight in a Snow Storm is Beautiful...I've done that with my dog many a night (his nightly ritual of course.)
    Quiet & Peaceful with no one else around and NO Other Footprints...Delightful...

    Wonderful (if NOT scary) photo's of POOR Hannah.

    Special Hugs to You...

  6. Greetings from Kingston, PA. Lovely blog and great pictures.

    We missed the snow here in the northeast part of the state, but in watching the Philly news, I see our neighbors down that way were not as lucky.

    Will be back to visit again.

  7. Jenn ~~ Your pictures are Beautiful...we got nothing here in CT and I had fingers crossed for just that kind of storm. lol It is such pure Beauty when it snows like that clean, quiet, & peaceful ... Keep warm & safe. Love & Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  8. Poor little Hannah May! I'm starting to climb the walls Jenn...Ttys!


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