Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Inspiration Friday

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
George Eliott

I'm so working on that one lately.  It is NEVER too late.  Follow your dreams, your bliss, your inspirations.... "Know Thyself" although in some situations it is better to know others :)   I've been hard at work sewing for the Settler's Fare next Saturday (April 17).  I needed some inspiration this dreary morning for a little motivation.  I'VE GOT SO MUCH TO DO!  After this show is over I'll be updating my website.  Then I'm taking a week for my garden....well maybe not a week but I'm investing some time for sure.

These are just random garden pictures (its spring and all I think about is gardening) that I had in my files.  No time to think of a nice theme this morning just a bit of sunshine on a cloudy day.  Have a wonderful weekend!  Jenn

  I have a bird bath that has a crack but still looks good.  I love the moss garden in this bird bath...simple and beautiful.

This looks so inviting to me...the roses, purple catmint, all of it, so abundant.  I love how it overflows the rock wall.
Above three photo's Martha Stewart

This is Maxine Paetro's Garden in the spring.  A place I would love to visit during open garden days.


Above two photo's and birdhouse photo by Jennifer May


  1. beautiful gardens Jenn!

    I'm just glad the heat wave broke and that it's cooler now, good grief it had been hot!

    have a great weekend!


  2. Jenn ~~ Beautiful pictures, love the Spring weather we had this past week. Good Luck on your show, and have a Wonderful time playing in your Garden. We need updated pics of the area around your Studio. :-)
    Me I'm dreaming of PA, lol
    Love & Warm Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  3. me again!....I have been meaning to answer your question Jenn about how did we hang that window above the toilet but I couldn't remember exactly and kept forgetting to ask hubs so I finally remembered! first of all, it is hung sideways so that the sides of the window and the grooves that are the up-and-down tracks are at the top and bottom so you have some room to use hardware for fastening to the the bottom there are two "L" brackets that he bent into more of a "J" and screwed to the wall, then in the top he just drove two screws through the track on a downward slant into the wall, and it's on there pretty darn good!


  4. Jenn...
    Remember to take time to breathe along the way my friend...
    Go out to your Garden and Be happy...A few hours if you can a day, even if it's just to look at the Beauty of what came up this Spring...
    That's where I find my Peace during Busy times, when I DON'T have to thin of anything!!!

    I wish you Luck (which YOU don't need) with your show...
    Wishing you Always JOY my friend...


  5. Jenn ~ Thank you most kindly for sharing photographs of such inviting gardens! I surely need a bit of beautiful blooms...Spring is a bid slow to fully arrive here.

    My very best to you for a fine show...just try not to wear yourself out beforehand!


  6. You and I are indeed kindred spirits as the George Eliott quote is my all time favorite!

    I am peeking out of my turtle shell to say thank you for your kindness and support. Be blessed.

  7. Jenn..wishing you a most wonderful and sales filled day tomorrow!!!

    Hugs, Doreen

  8. Hi Jenn, I hope your taking it a bit easier now the show is finished, how did it go?

    Now the mad and very busy last few weeks are over, put your feet up and rest a while. Sending you hugs from across the pond, Karen


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!