Monday, April 26, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

"He who plants a garden plants happiness"
~ Proverb

Last week I FINALLY got my hands dirty with a little gardening.  I'll show more pictures later.  This one was actually taken looking out my studio doorway before I even started weeding so please don't look to closely.   

I've been busy with orders and am also working on an update for Rabbit Hill.  Pretty sure it's going to be on Tuesday next week, May 4th I think?? 

My mom and I took a little trip to Lancaster County this past weekend and found some good things to sell.  Not as many as I would have liked because the weather was not cooperating and I think most of the vendors stayed home.  That didn't stop us though!  We shopped and shopped until my husband called to warn us of some bad storms coming our way....The wind began to switch the house to pitch; And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch; Just then the witch, to satisfy and itch; Went flying on her broomstick thumbing for a hitch!

I love that song, Can't stop now, grab your helium balloons and think munchkin voices....
The house began to pitch, the kitchen took a slitch
It landed on the wicked witch in the middle of a ditch
Which was not a healty situation for the wicked witch!

Driving home was not like that at all luckily.  Every time the weather started getting bad we'd go through a tunnel and like magic the other side was always clear and sometimes sunny.  It sure feels good to be back home today though.  Thanks for reading my silliness and have a happy Monday!


  1. are too funny Jenn...You've got me singing the song now!

    What goodies did you find at the show?

    Love your garden looks lovely!

    Hugs, Doreen

  2. Such a beautiful garden photograph...looks as though Rabbit Hill suits you perfectly! I am delighted that you enjoyed a bit of time away with your mum. Time spent with our mothers will always remain special and dear.

    Rest and sing your Munchkin song...I am certain that I shall (thank you kindly)!
    Warmly, J

  3. I do smile at your posts Jenn, you got me singing the song too!

    Lovely picture of your garden and you must have had a great weekend with your mum. I am eagerly awaiting your website update, looking forward to seeing your new goodies.

    Have yourself a great week Jenn, take care for now,
    Hugs, Karen

  4. Hi Jenn!....ah The Wizard Of Oz is one of my all time faves!....your garden looks lovely and you're so right, there is just no place at all like home!

    looking forward to your update!

  5. I'd love to have that view from my studio...If I had a studio!!!
    I'm happy you finally got out in your lovely garden Jenn...
    We've seem to had that same weather up here as you did...Thought we had night time skies in the afternoon!!!(Just like today and now)
    Weekends suppose to be great though & I'm SO looking forward to it...

    Been Senior Prom dress shopping and getting ready for ALL the Senior outings and events for Lady Catherine...
    Have a wonderful week my friend and get your orders finished...


  6. Hello sweet girl! Thank you for your thoughts and note..I've been caught up in life and sadly no time for little else! Your garden looks lovely..even before the pruning! And what fun your trip sounds with your mom to Lancaster! (love trips to Lancaster!) Have a lovely week Jenn! Hugs~Kathy

  7. Oh Jenn ~~ So happy to see the photo of your garden, lovely. And Lucky you to visit the wonderful part of PA that we love so much, bet you & MoM had a ball. Kinda of damp & chilly here in CT....but hoping for a little sun later in the week.
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox


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