Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Learn to pause....or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you."

~Doug King

 As I sit here writing this blog I am watching a pair of crazy wrens build a nest on my front porch window box.  I wonder if I should let them or shoo them away for fear of the neighborhood cats.  Old lady kitty is to lazy now to got after them but I'm sure they will bring back some good memories for her.

Busy little things they are...not a great picture, they won't let me get to close.

Another busy week has come and gone.  We've had some bad weather, as has the rest of the country, with heavy rain, hail and even a few small tornadoes.  I hope that is all in the past...I'm tired of cleaning up and also being freaked out by the wind.

My sister and I had our birthdays last week.  I'm STILL 28 and she's STILL 24.  When we were kids we used to share our birthday party at our cabin.  Her's on the 1st of June and mine on the 5th.  That's always when summer started for me.  I love having our birthdays so close.  We still get together one way or another to celebrate....this year we went to see "Sex in the City 2" and bought some birthday shoes.  We needed them.  Our souls needed them.   

Adult ADD kicking in now but does anyone remember the faze in the 70's were your mom would dress you and your sister the same?  It didn't matter how old you were.  I was 10 and she was 6 and we would have the same dress on for Easter.  We were highly influenced by the Partridge Family and the Osmonds.  Maybe that's why we turned out like this.....

I REALLY LIKE this bath soap!

She's the "cool" one.

One last thing....

I'm having a huge update on the 15th.  The last one for a while.  I'll still be posting on Early Work Mercantile and Primitive Gatherings each month but my next update won't be until August.  This one will have lots of gardening and summery primitives and antiques....I actually have finally found a few antiques to post.  Hope you can visit me then.

Well until next time...thank you always for reading my nonsense.  I surely enjoy writing about it.
xo Jenn


  1. Hi Jenn!....I beg your pardon, it is not nonsense, let's just call it life! LOL....I had to look closely at that bottle you're holding up in the pic to see if it was alcohol or what! LOL....it looks like a bath oil of some sort but from the looks of things I was thinking there may have been some drinking going on! LOL....what fun for two lovely sisters to have their birthdays just days apart!

    looking forward to your update!

  2. Good afternoon Jenn~ Wishing you (and your sister) a VERY happy birthday!

    We have a pair of wrens nesting here as well. The Mister placed wren house high up in the eaves, away from felines. It is a delight to listen to the birdsong and baby peeping.

    Enjoy your days in the garden, and I shall look forward to ogling your new goodies!


  3. Jenn, LOL - thanks so much for the memories! My mom always dressed my sister and me the same despite the 5 year difference. Sometimes she would even have a matching dress, too! Since I was the younger sister, I always got to wear the dress twice ~ the smaller one then the larger one. OK, I admit it, when my boys were really little, I did it to them too - pay back!!!

    I absolutely can't wait for your update!!! I wonder what goodies I might not be able to live without!

    Blessings, Patti

  4. Hello sweet Jen~I LOVE that quote by Doug King~ so true! I enjoyed your post, it made me smile, I too dressed my girls (two and ahalf years apart) alike! (: I see that you and your sister share the same "lovely" gene! hugs~Kathy

  5. Happy Bitrthday Dear Girl & To Your Lovely Sister too !! Very Neat that you Celebrated together...love the idea of Birthday Shoes. :-)
    Also love the quote...its so True.
    Will check in when you update.
    Love & Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  6. Happy Birthday dear Jenn to you and your Sister.
    There are so many birthdays around this time of the year.
    Glad that you had a fun night out with a movie and some shoe shopping.
    We had some birds build a nest in our upstairs window boxes and was great watching them through the window coming and going, feeding the babies etc.

    I hope that you are having a great week

  7. Happy Birthday to you & to Tracy!!!! Looks like you have a fun time!!

    I do remember those day of being dressed alike!!! I have the photo's to prove it...lol..and to top it off..my mom made most of the dresses! I poke fun..but actually..I remember those dresses fondly :)

    How did you like Sex In The City 2? I loved it!

    Have a great day,
    Hugs, D

  8. Oh my gosh, I'm so tired of rain! Enough already! We had a terrible winter, and now all this. We need a break alreay!

    Jenn Happy Birthday to you and your sister, you're both so pretty.

    I'm in need of a long pause.

    Have a great day,

  9. A Very Happy Belated Birthday to you and your sister Jenn, my you do look alike!

    I am really looking forward to you update today, well I say today, it will be late in the night here in the UK.

    How is life your way, has it settled down any yet for you? I can see light at the end of the tunnel here, I think we have turned a corner and I can see life being somewhat less hectic than it has been the last month or so.

    Catch up with you very soon!


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!