Monday, June 28, 2010

*~Pretty Things~* Red White & Blue


Sorry for the looong pause.  Summer is here and I’ve been dreaming away new ideas for creating and gardening.  I swear the flowers are singing to me early in the morning ”come out come out wherever you are…”  Those Wizard of Oz song's are always stuck in my head..."if I only had a brain"  :)

We are getting ready for Independence Day.  Our home is situated where we have a lovely view of the fireworks from the park.  This year will be our 17th Fourth of July picnic.  Getting geared up for it,here are a few photos to gather up some energy for decorating …what do you think?

Thank you for making my days with your visits and kind comments!

A big hug ~

p.s. I’ve been having problems with my web host  and email.  Therefore if anyone has been trying to reach me please use this email address until further notice:

 Photo's courtesy of Country Living and Better Homes and Garden.


  1. Good morning Jenn ~ Such inviting photographs... thank you most kindly for sharing them.

    Wishing you happy summer days digging your garden, and creating lovelies in your studio. Enjoy a very happy celebration on the 4th as well!

    Oh dear, I fear that the "Oz" song is now stuck in my cranium! Shall we have a duet?

    Summer hugs,

  2. Hi Jenn,

    I enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos ~ love the sweet red white and blue cushions.
    Enjoy the 4th of July celebrations and picnic.
    The outdoor table looks inviting.


  3. I am with you Jenn, we spend enough time couped up indoors over the winter and when the summer gets here all I want to do is kick my shoes off and be in the garden. Enjoy the long summer days!


  4. Love your photos, but the bedding one is my favorite! Have a great 4th of July weekend!


  5. Love your photos always choose the best ones! (: I love the fourth of July, don't you! Enjoy..I hope it's lovely!


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!