Monday, August 23, 2010

Alone Again

YOU Are My Sunshine

School is back in session.  Seeing that school bus pull away the first day always brings a few tears.  How quick the summer went.  This year was so busy.  We did so much but still haven't finished our list.  Somehow we lost a week somewhere???

I will miss her but if her mom home-schooled her like she wished and dreamed she'd probably be dopey.  Teachers of America "Thank you for teaching my child math!"   From me she will learn how to make one mean batch of chocolate chip cookies.

It's time for me to get back to work....really??

The new website will be up and running this week.

Next week there will be an update.  I've been shopping around Saturday mornings with my accomplice (my mom) searching flea markets and estate sales for some good finds.

I love my's really going to be tough working again lol!

Sending back to school hugs to all you parents and caregivers.  Dry your eyes.  I think we'll get used to it in a day or two...wink! wink!

xo Jenn


  1. Hi Jenn!...I gotta say that I sure don't miss having kids in school...I used to hate all that paperwork they bring home the first week for parents to fill out...not to mention having to buy backpacks, binders, paper, pencils, pens, yada yada yada!...nope, don't miss that one little bit!

    Can't wait to see what you'll have on your new web site!


  2. I remember how hard that was for me to see my kiddies go off to school! Glad you have your mom to do things with and are keeping busy! I love reading your blog and am always encouraged, inspired and entertained! Please come visit mine sometime too!
    Blessings and happy hunting~

  3. Hugs... the back to school tears are about two weeks away for me. They're happy tears... but I must admit~ the older they get the more teary I become! Isn't that backwards? We have such a wonderful time throughout the summer~ we'll have to finish our list like you... by waiting for snowdays or conference days.
    Happy Back-to-Work! Looking froward to your website :)

  4. I have two more weeks before I am "Home Alone", not sure whether I shall be sad or glad. Glad as the mountain of washing will half once the girls are back in school uniform, sad as there won't be anymore lie-ins of a morning and I shall kinda miss having the girls around all day long.

    I am really looking forward to seeing your new look website and all the new prims you have planned for it, especially eager to see if there is one of your fabulous Bears (wink wink).

    Have a great week Jenn, see you soon,
    Sending Hugs,

  5. Jenn ~~
    Happy 1st Day Back to School to Lydia !!
    May she have her Best Year yet !! Hugs to you my Dear Friend ... I so remember the feeling and I do remember it took about a week and then I was doing the "Happy Dance" lol Cant wait to see your new web site. Its almost time for the returning bus enjoy all the first day talk.
    Love & Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  6. Hi Jenn
    Sooo looking forward to seeing your new our prim creations..we still have couple of weeks holidays here in the has gone real fast though.. :0)

  7. Jenn, just realised my comment got posted via my selling blog name instead of my sharing blog name, am sure you figured it was me, but just in case you didn't . . it's me LOL!

    Thanks so much for keep checking in at my sharing blog, I hope the first day back wat school was ok for you both,

  8. Thoughts of the School Bus first days will always remain in my Memories...Always a few tears were shed each year as I saw my girls get wiser than their Mom (or so it seems)
    My Heart goes out to you...

    Love the photo you added at the top of your post, tear jerker...
    Hope it all went well Jenn...


  9. Hi Jenn,

    Oh yes, I remember the tears when I walked away from the little ones, when back to school.
    Cute photo of your sweet daughter.
    Good luck with getting your website up and running.



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