Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Autumn Giveaway

I'm having such a delicious day.  The cooler weather came, I've got on flannels and I'm making a roasted chicken and squash soup...more on that on Wednesday if we like it :). 

Since my post on Friday I found that I'm NOT the only one that hasn't decorated yet. In celebration of that I'm having a giveaway to inspire anyone who needs a little inspiration.  It's just a "little" giveaway since I didn't really plan this.  Included is a jack-o-lantern that I stitched up this morning and a special edition of Country Home featuring homes decorated for Fall.

All you need to do is be a follower of my blog and leave a comment.  Contest starts now and ends Tuesday at midnight. I'll announce the winner Wednesday! 
See the signature??  I was excited when I found this at Lowe' sister-in-law Anne's design!


  1. sound so much like me...I feel the same way on these cool delightful days!!!!!!! And when should I be over for dinner..roast chicken is my favorite :)I have one in the freezer that I'm planning on making this week sometime.

    You are so sweet to have this lovely giveaway :)

    Hugs, D

  2. Jenn,
    Your soup sounds delicious. I would love to be entered in your wonderful giveaway. I have been a long time follower. Thanks & enjoy this wonderful autumn day.

  3. Jenn...Happy Autumn to you! What a cute pumpkin.
    I would love to be entered in your give away.
    Anxious to hear about your soup.

  4. Hi Jenn,
    Wonderful giveaway!!

    I am follower and would love to be entered.

    I have been decorating inside for Fall but can't seem to get motivate to do the outside, which is usually my favorite.
    But it has either been so hot you cant breathe outside (90's) or so cold I freeze.
    Crazy Southern Illinois weather.


  5. Hi Jenn~
    I am always so inspired by your lovely blog!! Even when you don't feel "inspired" you are inspiring!!!
    We are having deliciously cool weather here too and PotRoast is what is on our menu, but yours sounds wonderful too, so I will be watching for the recipe!!
    Please enter me in your sweet Giveaway as well!! I would love to have a Rabbit Hill Primitives pumpkin and curl up with a copy of Country perfect!!
    Blessings and Thanks~

  6. Hi Jenn! cool is that about the flag!...I would love to be entered into your giveaway, what fun!...and I hope that your dinner turns out yummy, I'm sure it will!


  7. It's a cool rainy day here! I would SO love to win! I'm a new follower and I hope you'll visit me soon, too!♥

  8. Hi jenn
    I would love to be entered into your autumn giveaway..fingers crossed for me.. :0)

  9. I love the Fall time too. The cool days and crisp nights and baking apple pies and just lke you making soup YUMMY!

    I would love to enter in you fall time giveaway, it is fabulous!!!!

    I am a follower too.

    Prim Blessings,

  10. HI Jenn!...Sign me up please! is finally cool here today, so it feels like Fall...I have soup in the crock pot with cheesy cornbread and your turtles dessert to be fixed later...Pure comfort food!!..Have a great day!!~~hugs,Jen

  11. Hi Jenn,
    I think that your giveaway might just put me in the mood for fall lol!
    Although I've been folllowing your blog for ages, I am now officially a follower :)

    Blessings, Patti

  12. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! We are definately fall here! Below 30 in the morning warming to low 80's in the afternoon. Leaves have peaked and starting to dull in places. I am trying to decorate but lack the time I would love to have! I love your little pumpkin! Thanks!

  13. Hi Jenn,

    I am a blog follower-not a blogger myself. I love the pumpkin you created--thank you for the give-away.


  14. Hello Jenn~
    Such a friendly pumpkin...and a most lovely giveaway! You are a sweet pea indeed! Please pop my entry into the "name basket."

    Your dinner sounds ever so yummy...Enjoy!


  15. Jenn~

    I love the little pumpkin & could really use the inspiration to get my home decorated for Fall. Fall is my favorite time of year, but I have not decorated yet. I am a follower & would love to be entered to win your giveaway.


  16. Cold and rainy here.I made chicken Pot Pie and Caramel Apple Pie.I've been wanting that magazine so bad but no one sells it in our rural area.So please enter me.Love the simple pumpkin too.Harvest Hugs!~Amy

  17. Hi Jenn ~ I am also a follower of your blog :)& would love to be entered in your giveaway!!! I've finally started fall decorating a little, but this weather in PA has been day it is almost 90 then the next it is 65 ~ Looks like fall is here to stay for while & I love it ( this week at least !! )

  18. I found you from the other Jen's blog...checking out your Turtle dessert. I would love to be entered too. I am now a follower!!

  19. Hi Jenn: Roasted chicken and squash sounds so good right now!! Love you SIL's flag!! How cool is that!! You should design prim flags too!! I would love to be entered in your giveaway...I only have a few things out and tons of boxes in the basement!.

  20. Hi Jenn,

    Sounds like a perfect day, making soup now that the weather has turned cooler.
    How neat that your Sister in laws design is in the shops, it is a lovely wall hanger.
    What a kind and generous giveaway.

    Have a happy week

  21. Ok...Count me in to!!! (for dinner also). One of my Favorite soups are 'Butternut Crab Soup'...
    Love that Pumpin' you got there Jenn and I'd Love to add it to MY decorations.

    So much talent all over your family tree...
    Looks like your getting the decorating done!


  22. Jenn, I haven't gotten out my fall decorations yet either. Probably will this weekend. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Don't forget to stop by my blog and enter my giveaway too!


  23. Good Morning Jenn ~~ Last night was the first fire of the Season .... there was a Pot Roast in the oven and candles lit all over the cabin.
    Just a wonderful cozy time of the year.
    Will check back to see if your dish makes
    What's Cookin Wed. lol
    EnJoy your Day !! Love & Hugs ~~ xox

  24. Jenn ~
    I'd love to be entered in your give-away. I am a new follower.
    You are welcome to stop by my blog. I will be posting a give-away tonight or tomorrow.
    Pug hugs :)


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!