Friday, October 1, 2010

Nesting Days.....

I love the gray muddy skies and the crisp autumn air on cool mornings.  It gets me inspired and the nesting urges begin.

Already this morning I have the crock pot stewing with Ham and Scalloped Potatoes (easy easy) and a few pumpkin head dolls have been made that need to be dressed but.....

 this afternoon I'm going on a search for frosty green pumpkins.  I just need them.  I do.  

 What are you doing on these lovely autumn mornings??


  1. Jenn, you always have the most beautiful photographs to share, and taste sensations so very tempting! The autumn mornings are lovely indeed...misty and cool, with long fingers of gold peeking through grey clouds. Simply delightful.

    Wishing you a day filled beauty, happiness, and pumpkins galore!


  2. Good morning, Jenn ~
    You sound just like me, the nesting thing. In the fall I start making soups, stews, casseroles, then keep them warm until dinner time on our woodstove. I am sewing and stitching today, it's a rainy but beautiful autumn day. Enjoy your pumpkin hunting.

  3. Hi Jenn!...the weather has FINALLY cooled here in central Virginia too so it actually feels like autumn!...when the weather man said that overnight temps may dip down into the upper 40's in some areas, I said to myself, "ok NOW you're talkin'!!"...enjoy the brisk mornings!


  4. Jenn ~~ Lovely Fall Photos ... and Mmm your dinner sounds Great. I'm making a Ham dinner tonight ... love the Hearty Fall Comfort Meals, so does DH. :-)
    Good Luck on the PumPkin Hunt.
    EnJoy the Week-End ~~ xox

  5. Hi Jenn~
    Today is our annual Autumn Evening, so rather than nesting, which sounds so wonderful, I will no doubt be "flying around" helping customers take home purchases to their "nests"!
    enjoy your tasty meal and happy pumpkin hunting!

  6. Hi Jenn,

    Love the beautiful Fall photos and yes, it is a great time to nest and do all those cozy indoor jobs. A big pot of soup or stew on the stove is what I like to do too.

    Happy week

  7. Good morning Jenn :)Such a beautiful post and lovely photos. These chilly Autumn days do the very same to me...oh, how I love it!

    Yummm..Scalloped potatoes and of my favorites :)

    Have a wonderful day

  8. Hi Jenn, Guess Who??? Yes its me! Am back in blog land!

    And how are you keeping? Well I hope and Lydia?

    I just love my olde bear, he arrived a few weeks ago and I am sorry for not emailing to let you know sooner but life has been so very hectic here. Thanks so much for the tip on feeding starving kids when they get in from school, I am going to check the link out you left for me on my blog and although I haven't commented each time I have visited you, I have been keeping upto date with events your way.

    Love your fall pictures, I too am trying to get my hands on some pumpkins to decorate the cart in the garden, I haven't come across any as yet, gota feeling they are in short supply here!

    Well you take care and I will see you soon,
    love & hugs


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!