Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Early Work Mercantile Update ~ Log Cabin Christmas

"I suppose it all started with the snow. You see, it was a very special kind of snow. A snow that made the happy happier, and the giddy even giddier. A snow that'd make a homecoming homier, and natural enemies, friends, natural. For it was the first snow of the season. And as any child can tell you, there's a certain magic that comes with the very first snow, especially when it falls on the day before Christmas. For when the first snow is also a Christmas snow..."
~Frosty the Snowman

Olde Shepherd is Sold

Yes that's right we've got snow! How appropriate for the first day of December!!

I didn't even realize the date until this morning when I heard Matt Lauer on tv "Good Morning everyone, today is the first day of December"  I actually thought "No Matt Lauer, you better check your dates."  Of course I was wrong (imagine that).

I thought tomorrow was the first day of December and that is why I am a little late in posting my update on Early Work Mercantile this month....a big month too!  It's updated now with a few new offerings....a Primitive Shepherd and a Christmas Pillow.  For more info click the link above.

Sorry Pillow is Sold

I'll be back on track with bloging next week.  I'm getting ready for a Country Christmas Gathering this Friday and Saturday.  We are located in Western Pennsylvania, email me if you'd like to visit, I'll send you directions.

Hope everyone had a lovely and blessed Thanksgiving.  Onward now into Christmastime.  Happy decorating!!

Hugs ~ Jenn :)


  1. Jenn, OMG I love your santa he is amazing!!!, I love his little sheep he is holding!!

  2. LOVE your latest creations Jenn! they're awesome!...and you got snow you lucky girly you!!...I'm jealous! LOL...good luck with the gathering on Friday!


  3. Morning Jenn ~~ I love the fact that while I was listening to Matt yesterday, so were you. lol Love your newest creations .... Sweet Log Cabin Pillow !! :-) Woo Hoo you got snow, cant wait till our first snow fall. Wishing you & your Friend a Great Open House this Week-End.
    Love & Hugs My Friend ~~ Connie xox

  4. Boy...You got SNOW before we did...
    I was at my brothers over Thanksgiving in Mass. and it was a 'White Thanksgiving' there!!!
    Really set the mood...
    Love your update at Early Work & Hoping your Country Christmas Gathering is Splendid!!! (know it will be)

    Have a Wonderful weekend Jenn...

  5. Kind greetings Jenn~
    I do LOVE your most recent goodies...Santa is a happy chap indeed! Wishing you the very best for a lovely Country Christmas Gathering. Enjoy!!!

  6. The log cabin pillow is awesome...are you going to have any more to sell?

  7. I definitely would have bought it the first time around! It's just beautiful and you can do so many things with it for the different seasons. It looks just beautiful as you have it right this site.

  8. Hi Jenn,

    Enjoy your snow, must be so lovely having the first snowfall. I love your darling shepherd and the cute Christmas pillow.

    Have a happy weekend and have a fun time at the Country Christmas Gathering.



Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!