Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting back on track

Took down most of the decorations which was kind of sad. It's quiet with the family gone :( , but the house is clean and Lydia is back on her routine (almost).  Glad I don't have to go back to school but always feel bad for the kids.  Poor Lydia looked so sleepy when I woke her this morning. I am happily but sleepily wrapping up pre-Christmas orders and then back to creating some fun new things.

With getting back to normal that means eating normal again. No more sugar, no more bad carbs....I so want a bagel! I want CARBS!

 We had a great holiday!!

....maybe a tiny Christmas cookie.

~Happy Monday hugs ~


  1. One (or two) cookies are never a terrible thing...or so I wish to believe...Yummm.
    Enjoy a delightful day Jenn!

  2. it is hard to kick the cravings of the holiday food..but needs must and it is good to start the year with the right idea of health and fitness LOL..Looking forward to your new prims..X

  3. Jenn ~~ I know I feel so bad when the kiddies have to leave thier warm bed and the comforts of home for back to school. Paul & I are trying to kick the Christmas sugar & carbs too .... I feel your pain I too would kill for a bagel ... lol And we got into the habit of a glass of eggnog & rum in the evenings .... Yikes was that Bad, Tasty but Bad. Tonight will be the first night we go without. :(
    Sending Warm Hugs & Love ~~ Connie xox
    PS ~~ Love the box with the mittens !!

  4. no sugar or carbs!! WHAT!! you're killin' me here! LOL no I don't think a cookie or two or even three would be such a terrible thing...I even eat dessert first sometimes!

    Happy New Year Jenn!


  5. Hello sweet Jenn! I too have put away the Christmas decorations..looks a bit empty. I also know what you mean about getting the kids up for school. I didn't especially enjoy school myself, so I always felt sorry for the kids. I'm always sad even to this day when summer is over, and school starts again. Enjoy the rest of your week..sending you warm hugs~Kathy

  6. Hi Jenn,

    I am going to go and put the Christmas decorations and tree away, should be doing it now but would rather say hello to my friends.
    Sorry about the kids having to go back to school and it is always hard going back to eating healthy again.
    Happy New Year and wishing you all the things that make you happy.


  7. Hi Jenn! I followed you over here from Patti's blog-- Primitive Treasures on Raspberry Lane and I'm glad I did! I am your newest follower.

    I'm just now getting around to taking down the Christmas. I'm gonna wait till next week on the trees. Stretching that out as long as I can, I love my trees and the soft glow at night.


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!