Tuesday, January 25, 2011


"There's one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look just as nice as your neighbors"
~ Clyde Moore

Don't you love that quote?

A friend from fb posted it the other day.  It gave me a new outlook on winter.

You see my neighbors have the prettiest WEED FREE yards.  I'm more of the wild type (bet you didn't know that).  I buy what I like, plant in the wrong spots, and weed ~ never!  Well almost never.

Maybe my garden isn't as bad as I thought....at least not in the winter.
Just checking in with you all.  Have a great day!!
Happy hugs ~ Jenn 
p.s. I'm feeling those small inklings of spring fever coming on.  Going excitedly to the grocery store hoping to find a small touch of spring for my windowsill.  The smell of those forced hyacinth bulbs does it to me every year.  Can you feel it too??


  1. I love the quote, and I just looked outside and my lawn does look just as good, maybe even better, I have all kinds of animal tracks in mine, LOL. Have a great day

  2. Ooooh, I love the grocery store with it's pretty flower and plant section...(that's as far as I care to go in, actually- LOL. I may just go and get myself something pretty today, too. We are due for yet another 6-12" of snow tomorrow night....yikes!

    BTW...our flower garden "planning" sounds almost identical..., and I love all flowers even if they are not all uniformly planted and weeded(?) Ya supposed to really DO that???? he-he!

    Enjoy your hyacinths..


  3. Hello Jenn...Wintertime is the ONLY time of the year when our garden is completely absent of weeds!
    Oh my, the lovely perfume of Hyacinths filling every room...heavenly!

    Smiles, Judy ox

  4. The red berries are pretty.I like tulips but our small town hasn't got them yet.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  5. Oh, I love the quote!
    Yes, I can feel the fever coming on!
    enjoy your day

  6. ah yes yet another thing I LOVE about winter!...our yard is usually one of the most crappy looking on the block cuz neither one of us are gardening lovers but the snow makes it all good!...and ssshhh about spring, that's a four letter word to me! LOL


  7. I know what you mean about the lawns Jenn...
    Everyone's equal.
    Beautiful Winterberry bush in the photo.
    I'm getting SO tired of ALL this Snow were having. I feel as if someone's punishing us in New England. Making up for lost time I guess.
    Anyway Sring will be here (In my mind i can Dream can't I?)

    Stay Warm...

  8. Good Morning Jenn ~~
    Had never heard that quote ... but for sure it applies here, and I'm gonna use it as soon as the next storm hits. lol
    Hope to get out today ... to peruse the flower dept. at my local grocery store for what ever catches my eye & nose.
    Keep Warm & Safe ~~ Big Hugs ~~ xox

  9. What a fantastic quote! Loved it!

    Unfortunately all the very cold weather we had before Christmas has killed my bay leaf trees and a rosemary bush, am gutted about the bay leaf trees as they were only planted last summer so I am eager for spring to come so as I can get down to the garden centre and replace some of the very poorly looking shrubs and trees.


  10. I love red berries in winter, they are so very pretty! Actually, we've only gotten a couple of inches all winter long. We are really wanting a good snowstorm, then spring can come. =]

    Have a fantastic weekend~

  11. hello sweet Jenn~love your photo and the quote!
    I just purchased some yellow tulips and daffadils at Krogers yesterday. It's amazing how they cheer me during the gloom of these days! Spring does sound wonderful! hugs~Kathy


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