Thursday, February 17, 2011


"Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience."    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

With a little patience we will soon be enjoying the warmth of spring everyday!

A little bit of a frustrating day AND working on taxes ~ who could ask for more fun?

I had hoped to post a nice recipe for you all yesterday....blueberry lemon scones "delightful" (you have to sing it when you say it...deeeeliiightfulllll).  I had pictures ready and the post written when I remembered the recipe was in my pantry cupboard.....which has two tables, a sofa and a daybed stacked in front of it.  Our floors are still being refinished and now we have decided, since all the furniture is out of the room, to repaint the walls and trim.  (I keep thinking of you Janet!!!)  Next week is a new week and I'll share all with you then.

During my frustration this morning.  I received an email from a sweet friend that cheered me.  Then I decided to go poking around the yard and found one little snow drop blooming (there she is above)!  It made me think about how the little things like friends and flowers bring us the greatest happiness.   I am always amazed at how God is always there, showing me the way.

So no more frustration...I'm going to have a "Cake" Party!

Have a deeeeliiightfulllll day.


  1. I guess it's the Silver Lining thing...You know behind every cloud. Precious Snow Drop Jenn...
    I still have to wait for about a foot more snow to melt for those beauties...

    Enjoy the Spring Green???

  2. Oh how glorious to see a flower! We still have lots of snow here so I wont see them any time soon!

  3. Hang in there Honey ..... you are going to be so Happy when its all done and your rooms are put back together. I was
    thinking of Janet too when I was reading
    your post. LOL
    How sweet to find a liitle bit of Spring popping up, as M said it will be a long time before we see any of that here in CT. xox

  4. Jenn ~
    I looked for snowdrops in the garden today (I'm in northern Ohio), but none yet. Yesterday I did find a clump of daffodils near the house foundation that are about 2" tall. That really excited me. Maybe there is hope...
    Hugs :)

  5. haha Jenn!...yep there really is no better time to paint than with all of the furniture out of the room! will be so pleased once it's all over, trust me!...there's nothin' like a freshly painted room and with the refinished floors it will feel like a new house!'ll be such fun to rearrange everything while putting it all back too! LOL


  6. It will all be worth it in the end Jenn, stick with it!

    Whenever we are doing a major job, there is a point where you think the end is never going to come, but it will and then you can sit back and enjoy!

    Hope you enjoyed your "Cake party", save a slice for me!


  7. Oooh, such a sweet, lovely bloom! It does make a heart sing! I can feel Springtime in my (old) bones. Soon the warmth should be here to stay. Patience, yes...patience.

    Enjoy your very exciting!

    Happy hugs...Judy ox

  8. Thank you for the little snow drop~ I was searching my yard last night in hopes of something~ just a couple little green stems popping up~ I will take green~

  9. oh taxes....have yet to begin mine...on to other the snowdrop, reminds me of my dear mom....she had some snowdrops in the front yard near the door....and no matter what they endured for mom and dad are long gone now, but I have a feeling the snowdrops still make their quiet entrance every year....thanks Jenn for sharing that picture....

  10. Thank goodness..days such as this ...are only a temporary occurrence...they stink :(

    Gorgeous snow drop..we've a long way (and much snow to melt) before we see such loveliness!

    Looking forward to your blueberry lemon scones recipe..yumm :)

    Sending you hugs, Doreen

  11. Hi Jenn,

    What a sweet snowdrop bloom peeping out ~ a sure sign that Spring will not be too far away now.
    Good luck with the decorating of your room, will be lovely when it is all finished. Another friend had a blueberry and lemon cake too, on her blog - nice combination.
    Look forward to your recipe.


  12. Oh how sweet! I love when God sends us delightful little pleasures to make our day so much more enjoyable! =]

    Your new room will be so nice and so worth it in the end. Don't you just love how one thing leads to another, lol! I will be looking forward to seeing the new room pics.


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!