Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Right Now

     more of this:
@midnight....snow looking like twinkle lights in the sky.

     dreaming about this:
there's a reason they call them  forget-me-nots.

     can't wait for this:
coming in March...preorder here


I'm craving a little spring today....how about you??

Sending hopeful hugs :)


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the Victoria! I didn't know about it.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Good heavens...Just the inspiration that I required this day. A bitter cold wind blows great plate-size snowflakes about in our out-of-doors. Well, perhaps not plate-size, but as we seem to be stuck in mid-winter, it does seem so. Grumble...

    Sending you Springtime wishes Jenn...Judy

  3. Its STILL snowing here too and I am so looking forward to spring!

  4. Ohhh Jenn...thank you for sharing your little patch of blue with us. Forget-me-nots are one of my favorites too. :)I'm soooo ready for springtime.

  5. but but but spring can't come until I see some more snow!...I know there are alot of folks who are sick of snow but we haven't had any accumulating snow since Christmas Day and I'm gonna cry if spring comes without some snow this winter! :::whine:::

  6. Hi Jenn ~~ Thanks for giving us a little peek at Spring !! We are in a deep freeze here but "they' say warmer on the week-end, fingers crossed. Janet you made me laugh with you :::whine:::. Here's wishing you a nice fluffy white snowfall soon.
    Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  7. That's a really cool picture of the nighttime snow, love it!

    Only a few more weeks away!


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