Thursday, May 19, 2011

waiting for the rain to stop

Good morning everyone!  Hopefully where ever you are the sun is shining.  (and if so please send it this way.)

Isn't this the prettiest rose ever?  That is truly it's fancy stuff added.  I just bought it last weekend and I'm dying to get out in my garden to plant it....or just do anything!

We've only had 13 sunny days since March 1st ~ what the heck??

I snuck outside yesterday when it slowed to a drizzle and snaped a few pictures.

I was very selective because there is so much weeding that someone has to do...

Ever notice how things bloom in colors?

Do I say that every year??

Purple is blooming right now.

Today's forecast appears to be a little better.  I sure hope so.  Tonight is Lydia's dance recital and tomorrow is her class picnic.

Looking forward to the weekend.  Things are suppose to brighten up, then we can get our gardener's out there to get that weeding done!  (I can dream if I want.)

Have a wonderful day and weekend!

Jenn xoxo


  1. sooo pretty Jenn!'s been raining every afternoon here too...they say that it's a system that is stuck out of the jet stream and as soon as the jet stream shifts it will pick up the system and carry it out to sea so hang in there!


  2. Oh Jenn, your gardens are lovely! Thank you for sharing the beauty of your blooms. I do hope the weather improves for has rained every day for the past 10. Oh deary me...

    Warm & happy hugs...Judy

  3. Jenn ~
    Your gardens are lovely. The color of your new rose is spectacular! Love that clematis, too. The sun has actually peeked out in northern Ohio this evening and hopefully we will see a bit more this weekend.
    Pug hugs :)
    P.S. Please send your gardener to Ohio when you are done with him!

  4. Happy Week-End Lydia ... have a Great Recital, (we need pictures) & a Fun Picnic !! Beautiful Rose Jenn ... the olny thing growing here is moss & mildew ... too much rain. Fingers crossed for Sun !! Love & Hugs ~~ xox

  5. I will gladly send you some sun for some rain. My yard is burned up. We haven't had any rain in so long. This weather sure is crazy!
    xx, shell

  6. What lovely garden photos! Love that clematis!


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