Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rain rain turn to snow!

Okay, I'm ready for a little of the white fluffy stuff now.  

These lovely ladies are on the Primitive Gatherings this month. Hop on over there for more info.

I've also added a few Christmasy things on my website. I'm working on a big Christmas update coming soon.

Today I'll be making pumpkin pie for tomorrow....for you! Sorry, we get to eat it though. I found a new recipe a while ago and made it for Dino's birthday, his favorite is pumpkin. It was fantastic!!!

Thought you might want to try it for Thanksgiving.

Have a lovely day my friends.

Jenn xo


  1. I am lovin' the snow gals!...and I certainly am ready for some white stuff too but its supposed to be in the 70's here today, yuck!...enjoy that pie!


  2. Hi Jenn,
    Your new snow girls are wonderful, as are all your lovely handmades!! I also love pumpkin pie and pretty much anything pumpkin, so I can't wait to start making some!! Yummmmm!!
    Enjoy your day!!
    Blessings and Hugs~~

  3. Snow .... Snow Girls & PumPkin Pie sounds like
    things at Rabbit Hill are just about Perfect !! :-)
    Your "Girls" are so Sweet gonna hop over
    to see the rest of your Treasures.
    Love & Big Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  4. These gals are ever so sweet! Looking forward to your pumpkin recipe. Hubby just loves pumpkin pie.


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!