Friday, January 20, 2012

I've been bad...

at blogging these last few weeks.  I'm trying but finding it difficult to figure out what to write about. 

I think it must be January blahs.  Day's seem to come and go fast but the month does not get any shorter. 

And somehow my camera is lost.

I'm happy to let it figure itself out and make the best of it.  What will be will be. 

Life is good.

Hugs ~ Jenn :)


  1. Hi Jenn,

    I feel so often like this too, and yes, life is good.
    Love the very cute photograph, so sweet.
    Do hope that you find your camera and have a happy weekend


  2. I hate January too!!!! At least the days are getting longer.
    Have a great weekend

  3. We've all been through that. Don't try and force it. Just allow it to happen. I find when I just relax, my eyes open up and I find lots to say.

  4. Dear Jenn ~
    To have you pop in with a simple "hello post" is delightful...I always enjoy my visits to Rabbit Hill! And, I do love the black & white photograph...perfect for a grey-ish winter day.
    Wishing you a weekend filled with laughter and joy!
    Warm hugs,
    Judy x

  5. I'm having the same problems too Jenn! Mary


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