Thursday, March 1, 2012

Anticipation of Spring

Patience.  I don't have it.  March 1st and garden fever is soaring in me.

When March comes, I start my morning walking around the garden inspecting all the tiny little plants that made it through winter.

It's amazing how fast they will grow and be glorious in May and June.

Then there are those special early bloomers that start shining now.  If they were to come then, we would hardly notice them.

They are the ones that get me yearning.

They are the ones that make my heart sing. 


  1. Jenn ~
    Here in northern Ohio, my snow drops are blooming along with my winter aconite. My lenten rose are not as far along as yours, but we are getting there. Let's hear it for spring!
    Hugs :)

  2. Jenn ~~ Beautiful Spring Photos !!
    I'm heading down to my PA Shops tomorrow,
    I hope to see some Spring,
    I will Think of You !! :-)
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox

  3. YOu and me both sister. I just did my walk through and I love the warm weather we've been haiving where I live. Stop by and see my lovely flowers. I Love yours!

  4. Ooooh, such lovely blooms! The squirrels, chipmunks, and bunnies are all running about, but alas, green shoots remain in hiding. Boo-hoo.
    Wishing you a beautiful, almost-Springtime weekend!
    Warm hugs from the beehive...

  5. love your spring pics and doesn't it just put a smile on you're does on mine LOL..X

  6. Hi Jenn,

    You have a beautiful garden and isn't it a joy seeing new spring flowers and colour about.
    Here we are going into Autumn and I am welcoming the cooler days.

    Enjoy your weekend, as you welcome in Spring


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!