Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Meeting Pioneer Woman

Yesterday was a very exciting day!  I met one of my most favorite women ever: The Pioneer Woman.

Jessica, Anne, and I have been throwing Pioneer Woman parties for the last 4 years.

Everyone must bring a PW dish and a bottle of their favorite wine.  That's it.  A great way to have a party!!

So when I first heard she was coming to our town, I knew we were going no matter what.   

We got there early and the line was already long.  We were given tickets 128, 129 & 130.  She was going to start signing at 4:00 p.m.  We were so excited!
About an hour and a half later, we made it inside the book store ~ woohoo!
That's when we found out that Ree wasn't alone.
Oh my gosh....It was Marlboro Man and the kids!  They are real.  
and so nice.

If I would have read her blog post that morning I would have known this.

They answered a few of our questions and chatted with us.
Then we got a picture with Marlboro Man.  Thought I was going to pass out.  Such a nerd.

Now it was our groups turn to go upstairs.
The bookstore was one of those like in "You've Got Mail"or "A Shop Around the Corner".  Very quaint with nice people working there.  They had Pioneer Woman recipes made for us to try while waiting.

The Citrus Butter Cookies were delightful! 

Now we are getting closer and I can almost see her.

I could have wet my pants I was so excited.

I'm here!

And I am chatting with Ree!

We talked about our Pioneer Woman parties and showed her pictures. (Yes, Jess brought the pictures.)   Also we talked about how to dress to disguise our bellies and the usefulness of spanxs.

She's so pretty!  I'm sure she thought we were stalkers.  Anne was asking about her make-up, I told her how much I like her hair, and Jessica is touching her boots.   "I like these" I hear her say.

All joking aside, she was so kind and humble and I think we all agreed she made us feel like friends even though we just met.

We had the biggest smiles for the rest of the evening.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time! I just ordered my first cookbook and am dieing waiting for it to get here..smile..So nice when you meet someone and they are actually the down to earth,nice person you thought they were.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. What an amazing opportunity!! I'm relatively new to the whole PW experience (yeah - I know, where HAVE I been?) - so I can only imagine your excitement. You look adorable!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. What an exciting day~ One to remember looks like a blast~ smiles a mile wide~ thanks for sharing~
    happy spring

  4. Hi Jenn,

    Oh what a fun day, you and your friends had. I can tell how exciting it must have been to actually get to meet someone you admired.
    You look so beautiful and great to see your photos.
    A day you will always remember, I am sure.

    Happy week

  5. Oh Jenn Im so Happy for you, and your Friends .... I had a Smile on my face reading your Post. Your Joy was in every line.
    So glad to hear Ree is as Sweet as she seems, she is Adorable as are the Kids.
    You Look Beautiful as always ... and Hubba Hubba on "The Marlboro Man". lol
    Oh and the cookies look Yummy, Love me some Lemon !!!
    Love & Spring Hugs ~ Connie xox

  6. Hi Jenn, I just finished making a copy of those vanilla beans scones from her blog and then I came to yours.
    You girls all looking to be having so much fun.

  7. WOW JENN!!!! HOW WONDERFUL!!!! Would love to meet her!!!

    SO FUN!


  8. Wow Jenn...HOW WONDERFUL!!!! Congratulations..she's someone I would also love to meet!

    hugs, doreen

  9. How fun! You lucky ducks! Congrats to all of you.

  10. Oh my gosh! How cool is that!!! Ok.. I am also laughing so hard at all your humor! I would so totally fit in with you and your friends.


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