Monday, June 18, 2012

Moving Up, Birthdays, and Garden Pretties

Another "29th" birthday has just passed for me.  It was on Lydia's last day of elementary school, an extra special present for both of us.  I can't believe I started all this craziness (Rabbit Hill) her first year of kindergarten and now she's going into middle school!

She is really growing up and turning into a lovely little lady.

She want's to be an artist when she grows up.  I loved my birthday card....she knows me so well.

June is one of my most favorite months of the year. 

So many little babies being born.

This one left the nest and keeps visiting us.

Many bunnies of course!

And Steve's not a baby but he's always needs to see what's going on....and if I have any peanuts. 

June brings many pretty flowers....

and lots of work to get me back in shape for pool season.

(bad Christmas cookies!)

I also love the smell of June....roses and wild honeysuckle.  (Candle makers that's a good one if you can capture it right.)

Summer's here and I'm glad to make it through another year. 

Maybe next year I'll turn 30...what do you think?


Friday, June 1, 2012

New Offerings on Early Work Mercantile

I have two new offerings this month on Early Works Mercantile.  

 Stop on over and take a peek.  

Only a few more days of school and this year-end craziness will be over.  Hard to believe I will have a 6th grader! 

Wishing you a happy beautiful weekend. 
Big hugs,

Jenn xo