Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine Baby

Lydia's valentine to me made into a pincushion (age 6)

When your young you feel like nothing can go wrong.  I married Dino when I was 24 after 6 years of dating.  I imagined us having a house full of kids...I remember telling him I wanted at least 4!

We started trying to have a baby about a year after we were married.  Nothing happened. Then I changed jobs and got better health insurance.  Nothing happened.  It seemed everyone in the world was having babies.  I prayed and cried a lot.  Nothing happened.  We went to see doctors and started taking fertility drugs.  Nothing happened (except they made me sick).  I stopped taking the drugs and gave up.  Nothing happened.  Finally I put all my problems and worries to God.  Something happened.  I found peace.

Then on February 14, 2000 the doctor told me I was having a baby.  I was shocked and so surprised!

After 6 years of waiting for her, I learned that sometimes He does answer your prayers, just not always on your schedule. 


As for the big family, we are just perfect the three of us    ...I think He knew I couldn't handle all the math homework!  Amen.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Early Work Merc Offerings for February

Hello everyone!!

It's been very slow going this past month of January.  I think I was a little burned out from the past two busy seasons and needed a break from sewing.

Plus it's so cold out!   I swear there is an army of birds just waiting by the feeders every morning.

We did just have a few warm days but the snow has returned.

This is how I found Hannah this morning lol!  She just tucked herself right in there.

Do you think she's dreaming about summer?

I started knitting again (thank you Jessica!) and finally finished my purse.  Won't even tell you when I started on this purse! 

Now I'm working on a shawl...fingers crossed it's finished by summer!

I also managed to create a few little things this month to offer on Early Work Mercantile.

A blue calico valentine box and heart pincushion;

and a bunny pincushion sitting on a keepsake box.

If you would like more info on these, please click this link Early Work Mercantile to visit. 

Hope your all well and safe.

Keep warm and have a happy weekend.
~ Jenn xxo