Monday, July 1, 2013

July Early Work Mercantile Update

Good morning!  Where the heck did June go?  School is out and summer break is here.  It seems summer break is no longer a break 'cause we haven't stopped since that last day of school!

July 1st means new offerings on Early Work Merc. site.  Here's the link if you'd like to pop over there for more info.

I had so much fun making these pincushions to look like vintage seed packets.  I have more started but could not finish....  

It seems there was a nice patch of poison ivy hidden in my garden.  I have it all over my hands and face.  My eyes were so puffy they were almost shut.  I've been pretending to be famous, wearing my sunglasses everywhere lol!

And another little offering I have....a bunny ~ imagine that?  I NEVER get tired of making bunnies! 

I love the fabric in his ears.  I wish I would have bought more of it!

Lastly, as you all probably know Google reader shut down today.  If you wish to continue following me, you can do it via bloglovin'.  I posted a bloglovin' button on the sidebar you can click to follow me.

If you don't want to use bloglovin', you can also follow me via e-mail ...left side bar has an e-mail button also you can use.

 I hope all is well with you and life is treating you kindly.  
Have a happy Monday! 
Jenn xo


  1. Oh honeybun, I am so sorry to hear that you have been "attacked" by poison ivy! I dare say, we have a bumper crop of the horrid stuff in the gardens this season! Please do take care Jenn...we have used "Tecnu" in the past. Just a thought for next time...although I hope that there is NEVER a next time for you!
    Love your bunny on a tuffet, and the strawberry pillow...each one so darling!
    Sending hugs of comfort your way...

  2. Oh I feel for you, terrible being itchy! Google dashboard and followers are still available. I never used the reader so I guess I won't miss Off to check the update. Warm Blessings! Amy

  3. Love both your pieces! Sorry about the poison ivy. It's awful having that any time of year, but especially during the hot summer months! ~Roberta

  4. Dear Jenn,

    Love your sweet pieces the strawberry pillow and the darling bunny, so cute.
    So sorry you got stung with the poison ivy eek! sounds painful and hope you are feeling better.
    Happy 4th of July and enjoy your summer holidays


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