Thursday, March 20, 2014

We made it.

 "The first day of spring is one thing,
          and the first spring day is another"
~Henry Van Dyke
See that little bumble bee up there?  All it takes is one warm day.  Unfortunately that wasn't today.  Who cares! Happy first day of Spring!  The sun did pop out for a few minutes (after the snow flurries this morning) and I'll take it!
This time of year is exciting to dream about the garden.  To enjoy those first little bursts of spring.  Like the little snowdrops that are opening up everywhere whispering to me warmer weather is on its way.
Bringing a few posies inside is good too! 
Alys Fowler has a lovely series called "The Edible Garden".  I watch these over and over again.  Beautiful garden, beautiful filming, beautiful lady (and I love everything she wears!)  Here is the first in a series of six. 

Enjoy spring and keep dreaming!
Happy hugs, 



  1. You watch the BBC! lol! Elys has done a few garden/home programs and I love eye clothes she wears too!

    We had bumble bees searching for nectar on our cherry blossom tree all last week, in fact I think one was kinda drunk on it; he was just sat on the ground not bothering to move at all so I carefully picked him up and popped him on the old milk churn out of harms way .

    Happy Spring My Friend
    Love & Hugs

  2. Thnks for the video, I will watch it all tonight when I get home from work.

  3. Morning, love the flowers, Happy Spring, Blessings Francine.

  4. Lovely flowers,such a breath of fresh air.Happy Spring! Be blessed,Jen

  5. Happy Spring weekend to you Jenn and loved seeing your gorgeous Spring flowers.

  6. Nice to see your little snow drops. Mine are still under 2 ' of snow :) I will watch your video after dinner.


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