Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Catching Up

"I can see meadows, deep woods, which the first outburst of buds mists over with an elusive green, cold streams and forgotten springs.  Easter primroses, daffodils with the saffron coloured heart, and violets, violets, violets..."
~Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
Oh my it truly is spring here.  The violets are just starting to bud out and that is a sure sign winter is gone.

I'm sorry I did not write as soon as I had planned but the day after my update our old lady kitty got sick and passed away.  She had been with us for almost 18 years, it was heartbreaking. 

I was glad for the nice weather afterwards to keep my mind busy raking and weeding in the garden.  Plus I have this little nilly following me everywhere just like a puppy.  We are still working on making her a lap kitty but she loves being with us.  A small blessing...I think we needed her just as much as she needed us.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday.  It was a lovely, sunny, perfect day here.  Just like I remember when I was little, walking up to my grandparents house after church with the everything smelling like hyacinths.
Had a wonderful day baking up some lovely Italian goodies with Dino's Uncle, Zio Ugo.
These next few weeks I will be getting ready for the Spring Gathering at 1824 Walker Farmhouse on May 10th.  Making all kinds of little springtime pretties.  This is what I'm working on today ~ bluebirds!
Warmest wishes to you for a beautiful spring!  Happy week to you all.  I promise to return soon.  xo Jenn
Rest in peace our beautiful Hannah Banana. We loved you and will miss you very much. 7/13/1997 - 4/9/2014


  1. Oh my...what a trip of emotions. So sad you lost your kitty but now have a new one...and a very cute one.
    Easter was quiet here but had a beautiful day. Perfect weather.
    Glad your back....hugs!!

  2. Hi Jenn,

    So sorry to hear about your sweet Hannah, so sad and sending hugs.
    The violets are so pretty and yes, a sure sign of Spring. Also the food looks delicious.
    Happy day

  3. Hi Jenn,
    So very sorry for your loss.....what a sweet face your Hannah had!!! Reminds me of our beloved kitty Chaz that we lost after 12 years!! I still miss him and am so happy he blessed our lives with his sweet presence!! Your new kitty is just darling and I know will help to heal the sadness!!
    The flowers are lovely and the food looks delicious.....I can almost smell it!!!
    Sending Hugs your way~

  4. So sad about your sweet little Lady Kitty, but I know she is where she needs to be. Everything you have done here is preciously beautiful. Happy spring to you too!

  5. Oh I love your blog Jenn!!! I feel right at home here already. I'm so sorry about your sweet kitty's passing and happy to see that another kitty calls your home hers.
    sending hugs...

  6. what a wonderful post. We also had a tortoise shell love name Hanna Banana, but she was picky, she only liked me and our middle daughter's husband. thank you for sharing and hope to hear from you again soon.


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