Thursday, November 13, 2014

November getaway to Lancaster County, PA

Three times a year my mom and I (and sometimes my sister) take a little trip to Lancaster County.

Every season is a delight!  Spring = Flowers and Mud Sales, Summer = Flowers and Flea Markets, 
Fall = hmmmm yep ~ Flowers and Christmas Sales.
 Here's a little peak at our trip from this past weekend!  
 It's not just shopping we are there for.
 We love driving around looking at all the Amish farmsteads. 
And I was literally driving (very slowly) when I took the above two pictures!
 Everyone farm is beautiful!
"Webster, Edgar, and Horton"

We fell in love with these sweeties at a favorite antiques shop.  
 Someone just dropped them off one day while the shop owners were away on a trip. Lucky for these barn kitties, the owners are animal lovers and kept the whole litter!
I found a nice homespun remnant here that I am going to use for my Christmas table.  
Isn't it lovely?  There is so much character in old textiles.
Another weakness....transferware.  These are from other shops in the area. 

Look at those quail!

 The flowers I bought were mostly spring bulbs, and this beauty:
She's called Winterberry 'Scarlet O'Hara'.  If you buy one of these you need a male and female to get the berries.  Aptly named 'Rhett Butler' goes nicely with her but any male Winterberry will do.
We also walk a little.  You've got to work off all that good food somehow.  

One of our favorite towns to walk is Strasburg, PA  
Beautiful houses everywhere!
I love this time with my mom.  We laugh a lot, eat a lot, and shop a lot!  So many good times and memories we make.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.  Hugs from me to you!
Pennsylvania November Skies



  1. It's such a beautiful place and I dream to see it one day for myself. Thank you so much for sharing the time with your mom. I also LOVED that you posted your recipe for the scones in your last post. I can't wait to try them!

  2. Just beautiful, I hope one day to travel there. Thanks for sharing........blessings

  3. Your trip sounds like so much fun and you got some great the homes.

  4. Thank you for a beautiful trip to Lancaster PA and a wee peek at one of my favorite towns, Strasburg... you are blessed to have such special times with your Mom & your photos are lovely too... thank you for sharing....

  5. Jenn ~~ Made my Heart Beat a little Faster. A very Special Place & Time you get to share with your Mom & Sister. Paul & I had no time in PA this year (because of selling & the re-model) but I did get down that way & spent a week at my girlfriends home (Miss Susan) oh how I Love that area in PA anytime of the year. We are Blessed. Love & Hugs xox

  6. Hi Jenn,

    I enjoyed seeing your photos of your trip to Lancaster - such a gorgeous place and love all the pretty homes. Thanks for showing us.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend


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