Thursday, January 15, 2015


Wow, I really blew it with blog posting.  And I completely missed updating on Early Work Mercantile this month.  I didn't even realize I missed it until the 6th of January! 
After the fall/Christmas rush to get things made, then the hurry to get Christmas shopping done, and the house ready for Christmas Eve, plus those other little things in between, I guess I needed a pit stop. 
All of last season is tucked away for another year, and cheerleading is done (taxi service is off duty for the season).  I am now in a rest and renewal phase.  Enjoying quiet time with my family. Feeling blessed and grateful.  Catching up on things that got left in the dust last year (like my dead potted mums still in the garden). Starting to make good home cooked meals again.  Need to bake for fun, knit something, read my stack of least one of them, do a little decorating, and maybe some dreaming.  
Clears my mind for new ideas.  Gets me excited and motivated for what's to come.
I am loving this break.
Happy New Year blessings to you and yours!


  1. Me too! We took a trip after Christmas, and it was wonderful...just rest and relaxation! A couple of pj days just stitching, reading or whatever I wanted to do...loved it! Enjoy your break!

  2. Happy New Year, such a pretty kitty, loved the pictures.Francine.

  3. Hi Jenn,
    Sometimes life gets so busy it just sucks all the energy and creativity out of us!! Refueling is so healthy and necessary!! Hope you get to do all your special dreams! Your kitty has the right idea!!
    Have a restful week!
    Warm Hugs~

  4. Love this Post, Photos
    & You !!!
    Rest, Relax, Review,
    Refuel, Read & Reward, maybe some Red Wine. :)
    Blessings & Hugs ~~ xox

  5. Glad you are enjoying some down time. We all need to take time for ourselves once in awhile! Love the kitty pictures, so sweet. :)


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!