Tuesday, April 21, 2015

...and now it is April

Almost the end of April.  Can you believe it? 


 Spring is here, the daffodils are blooming.

I have been trying to multi-task and only work in my garden for a few hours in the morning.

Mornings are my favorite. 

Especially warm, sunny mornings.

Cleaning up one little area at a time.  So much to do!

It's hard to stop.

But this is coming up in less than 3 weeks. 

And I have a lot to do!

Everything is in stages, but here's a little peek at something I've been working on.

Have a great day, and stop back later this week for a blog update from Lydia.  It's "take your kid to work" day.  I think we will be making little birds!  You can see her other blog posts here, here, and here.  (She is growing up WAY too fast!)

Warm springtime wishes my friends.
 ~  Jenn xo


  1. Beautiful blooms!!!
    Things are slowly starting to come up here in WI ~ today it is cold with rain and snow at times.
    Love your newest creation!

  2. We had sleet here in Michigan today. So looking forward to some green. Have fun at your show! Janice

  3. Garden is beautiful!Love the tea pot, what a great idea, for Audrey 's tea!You all have fun!
    And Lydia, so talented, enjoy her, I know you do;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No question marks, they're supposed to be icons of mice & daffodils!!Anyway, really enjoyed you both working together, what a team:)too cute

  5. Your blooms are lovely. Loving your Tea Tme stitching !

  6. Good Sunny Morning Jenn ~
    Love all your Spring Blooms,
    so Pretty.
    Thought of you yesterday, I made
    your Quiche recipe for a Ladies Lunch,
    it's my favorite you posted it years ago. :)
    Look forward to Lydia's post.
    Heading down to The Extravaganza (Kutztown)
    Friday will be thinking of you again.
    Love & Big Hugs xox


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!