Friday, May 1, 2015

May Yay! May Day!

"May brings us armfuls of delight, Bird-song, warm sun and gardens bright"

~tasha tudor

 Happy May Day you all!  I had a few things on Early Work Mercantile this month but they sold right away ~ thank you to the best customer in the world!

Everything is so green and flowers are just bursting open with color here.

I love spring.  

and so do they.  Fortunately, I don't plant to many flowers that they like to eat.
This little sweetie decided to visit us and nap in the garden for a while, until Iris (our big bad kitty)  scared her away.

It's going to be a busy week ahead, and I have many things that need to be finished for the 1824 Walker Farmhouse Spring Gathering next Saturday.  The weather is supposed to be delightful!  Just like that lovely quote up there from Tasha Tudor....bird-song, warm sun and gardens bright.  I will have to be strong and WORK!  Either that or garden by day and work by night, hmmm....

 Happy May Day and May month to you!
xxoo Jenn

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