Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Project...Garden Studio ~ HELP!

While browsing Home Depot last fall, Dino found a really nice deal on a little garden shed. I had been wanting something like this but only mentioned it to my sister over the summer. Somehow he always knows what I'm thinking and we bought it. And that in a nutshell is the story.

These are a few pictures of it being heart was palpitating, it was so scary.

We had to dig up a hedge of boxwood so the truck could come through the backyard......I love boxwood!

This is were I lost my lunch.

And these are photos taken today....I wanted to put some fake legs and a pair of ruby slippers under the one side because it looks like it fell from the sky.

This is the inside. It's exactly the same size as my sewing room. Which is perfect because our house is small and that will give us an extra bedroom for company.

I know what I want to do inside this little building but I am just a little perplexed with the outside. It will be some type of cottage garden because those are my favorite but I want to add a little patio and tie it in with the rest of the yard.

To the left is a little pathway....

which takes you to Lydia's secret garden. We have a little seating area there so we can have lunches together in the summer.

This is what it looked like last year. Her little hiding place is to the left and has a tin roof that is covered with grape vines and sweet peas.
To the right and behind it is the daylily garden. This is now.....

And this is last year....
Since I plopped it down on half my vegetable garden I would like to somehow incorporate those somewhere and maybe add a cold frame. Plus I have 6 boxwood bought on sale at the end of the season to use and lots of daylilies to move from behind. The front door faces south. I'm going to go through some of my Williamsburg books tonight and get ideas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated though. I will be posting more on this project as it is completed. A little overwhelming but also exciting. I want to get this finished or at least looking okay by our fourth of July you think that's possible??


  1. Oh how you must be so excited!!! I would be. It will be so beautiful when all is in full bloom. I love the little secret garden. I look forward to pictures when everything is in bloom. Beautiful color flowers would look great around your white building, making it stand out even more.

  2. Hi Jenn!....Congratulations on your new little out-building!....that is at the top of our wish list but we live in a subdivision where the rule is that it has to match the house so it'll take us awhile to afford it but we'll get far as the planting, I'm afraid I have no advice or suggestions to offer because gardening is not in my repertoire but I'm sure you'll have it looking quite charming in no time, have fun! Janet :)

  3. I'm so excited to see what you do Jenn! You always make everything look spectacular!

  4. Good Morning Jenn ~~
    I'm so excited for wonderful a new
    garden shed.....its beautiful !! Congratulations and Enjoy !! Dino gets the award for "Sweet Hubby" !! I also have no advice for are a master gardener and I know in short order it will look like this building, and all the plantings have always been there.
    Look forward to all the pictures ~~
    Hugs ~ Connie xox


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