Friday, February 26, 2010

Inspiration Friday again!!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain"

~Viviane Greene

or should we say "it's about learning to dance in the SNOW!"  That has always been one of my favorite quotes and I try and remember that every time I get frustrated or sad about something.  There is always someone worse off in this world.  

Saying that, I'm dreaming about this:

But really it's like this: 

I'm imagining myself in a giant snow globe that someone has just held while dancing the jitterbug!  It really is pretty outside right now.  It is a good night.  I'm just taking a little break from working on a litter of bunnies and making blondies.  My friend Jessica sent me the recipe this morning and seeing how I'm slightly hormonal in that give me something sweet or I'll knock you out kind of way,  I NEED them.  And ohh my they smell so good.  Something you probably shouldn't eat at 9:30 p.m. in the evening but hey I'm dancing here so it all balances out ~ right?? 

Also this evening I'm finishing up something new that I'm LOVING so far.  It's  for the Early Work Mercantile update on Monday, March 1st (beautiful March).  I'll post a picture then but to give you a little  hint I'm using all early and old fabrics and mostly in blues.  Oh and there might be a hint of spring to it.  That's it no more!  

Well my blondies just came out of the oven.  Here's a picture:  
I'll post the recipe sometime soon.  I need to eat them now! 

Have a good one and keep on keepin' on as my Texas cousins say!  xoxox Jenn

Monday, February 22, 2010

Favorite Chicken...lately

Okay, I've been lovin' this chicken recipe and made it three times in the last month.  It's Lucinda Scala Quinn's recipe.  She has a new cookbook out called "Mad Hungry" which I believe she named it that because her boys would come home from school starving and angry....haven't we all been there?  I think Lydia's been like that everyday this year.  As soon as she eats something she's fine.  It must be the pressure of 3rd grade.  Here's the recipe...hope you like it.

p.s. Anyone who follows Pioneer Woman she will be on Good Morning America this Thursday ~ yeah!!

Flat Roast Chicken
~1 whole (3- to 4-pound) chicken
~Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper
~1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
~2 tablespoons unsalted butter
~3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
~1/4 teaspoon crushed red-pepper flakes
~2 cloves garlic, smashed and peeled

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Using kitchen shears, cut along both sides of the backbone to remove; discard or reserve for broth, if desired. Open the chicken's legs and spread the bird down flat, skin side up. Press down firmly on the breastbone to flatten. Pat dry with paper towels; season generously with salt and pepper.

Heat a large ovenproof skillet, preferably cast-iron, over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon butter. Add chicken, skin-side down, to skillet. Let brown without moving, about 3 minutes. Turn chicken, taking care not to break the skin; transfer skillet to oven.

Roast chicken until golden brown and cooked through or until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part reaches 165 degrees. Transfer chicken to a cutting board and let stand 10 minutes.

Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and remaining tablespoon butter to pan, swirling to combine; set aside. In a small bowl, whisk together remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, red-pepper flakes, garlic, and pinch of salt. Cut chicken into pieces and serve immediately drizzled with olive oil mixture and pan sauce.

Serves 4 - 6

Friday, February 19, 2010

Inspiration Friday

"Daisies for thee, with love from me."

Spring is around the corner, I can feel it.  Even with 3 feet of snow, I know it's coming.  I hear the little birds singing to each other in the morning....that has to be a good sign.  Right???

Are you thinking about spring gardens?  I can't wait to see my babies. 

After this nice winter break I am always recharged to start the new season.  This is my time to plan not only in the garden but with my work.  Look for some new ideas and dreams coming soon.


Okay we can turn off the snow now.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Offerings

~~~ ALL ARE SOLD ~~~
Oh my I completely forgot today is the 15th!  I have a few new offerings listed on The Primitive Gatherings....a strawberry theme this month for me.

~~~ ALL ARE SOLD ~~~

For more information and to see all the other new spring creations visit

Today I'll finish painting Lydia's room and work on a few orders...I think??  Lydia and Dino are both off today so I don't know how much will get done.  We are expecting another 6 - 10" of snow!  Can you believe it??  I love snow but am getting tired of shoveling.  On a positive note hopefully all that shoveling has helped me lose those 5 extra pounds from Christmas.

Enjoy your day and have a happy one!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine For You

"It doesn't matter where you go in life, what you do, or how much you's who you have beside you."

Have a wonderful day filled with love and let those you love know how special they are!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A New Room

We had plans this week to re-do Lydia's room but with being sick we really haven't even started.  She's nine and wants all the "old flowery stuff" out.  Her room right now is decorated in a shabby chic style with pink flowers, pale yellows...its a pretty room.

This afternoon we are going to clear it all out and start painting.  These pictures are my inspiration. Designed by Sarah Richardson on her second season of Sarah's House.  It's a new style of decorating for me and I may bounce back to my cottage style a little but I'm really going to try to stay true for Lydia..."no flowers!"  (...what girl doesn't want flowers??)  Wish me luck!!

It's still snowing here but only expecting an inch today and everyday for the next five days.  In spite of all that I can't wait to watch the Winter Olympics opening tonight.  Have a nice weekend everyone!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowed In

"If I had a star for every time you made me smile, I would hold the whole night sky in the palm of my hand."

She's loving all this snow.  No school today.  And we just got the call, no school tomorrow.  Another storm coming...6 - 10" more inches of snow.

It's fun being isolated for a few days just me and her.  I've been under the weather so really its me spying on her from the windows.  What goes on in the mind of a kid.  Don't you wish you could remember?

looks like she's been plowed up with all the snow

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Poor kitty...Lydia wanted to see what Hannah thinks of all this snow

"Where's my warm bed!!"

We are in the middle of a Nor'easter here in PA.  Oh my I can't remember the last time it snowed like this.  All roads are closed with the 20 + inches of snow and still coming down.  It's so quiet and beautiful.  I like to take walks at night when it snows crazy like this.  Last night I set out for my little walk around midnight.  It was so bright.  Walking past my neighbors house I saw a flash.  I thought it was in my mind or is someone setting off fireworks??  Then I heard a muted boom and another flash.  Lightening.  Then I realized it was not as bright anymore.  Like being in the middle of a gray cloud.  Ask anyone, I freak out in lightening.  I ran back to the house as fast as I could with visions of being struck by lightening and buried in the snow.  Short walk this time!

Now that its morning I love it again.  Quiet and beautiful....
Our little neighborhood

My studio...pathway not finished yet.

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Offerings on Early Work Mercantile

Good Morning ~ Can you believe it's February 1st already!  We are moving right along in 2010.

Today I've  listed two new items on Early Work Mercantile with valentines day in mind.  I love making things for this day but don't want them to be to "cutsie".

The first is a Valentine Sampler Set.  It's a brown linen covered box.  The top is stitched to look like a piece of an old sampler.  Included is a sweet rag filled cloth bird.

My other offering is another little brown calico covered box.  Included is a little heart pin keep.

For more information and lots more pictures click here


Thanks for visiting!  Wishing you a happy week ahead!  xoxo Jenn