Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do you still get an Easter basket??

I do!!  ....but usually have to make it for myself.  It's almost always the same, an old green painted basket with purple sweet smelling hyacinths; tete a tete daffodils (those mini daffodils that every store sells this time of year); and little pansies with there happy faces looking over the edge of the basket.  The dirt is always covered in green moss from the garden...you can't go wrong with moss, it makes everything look prettier!

This year I haven't had a moment to even think about making a basket, I've been so busy.  The count down is on for the Settler's Fare show in Ohio.....18 more days!!  Maybe I'll break down and make one, there's still time but for now here's a few pictures of my favorites.  Enjoy ~ Jenn xo

I love this one with the herbs tucked inside the egg shells.

*Photos from Southern Living, Martha Stewart Living, Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"I wish you flowers in the spring to give your heart a song to sing."

Hello beautiful wonderful spring....thank you for coming.  We made it.  Funny how in one month there could be so many changes.  Last month we had 4 feet of snow and now we are having the sunniest warm weather here in Pennsylvania .  I ever so grateful for it.  Nothing like a bit of sunshine to boot you in the behind to get busy. 

Speaking of weather, on CNN Denver was picked on Friday for the worst weather day in the country.  Thursday was 65 degrees and sunny, on Friday it was 31 degrees and expecting 5 to 10" of snow.   Beautiful state but I don't think I could handle those changes that easily.  I hope today is a better day for you Denver.  And I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, rain or shine, spring is here! 


*photo from Country Home Magazine

Friday, March 19, 2010

Inspiration Fridays

"Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can be either flowers or weeds."
Hey I've really enjoyed doing these "Inspiration Fridays".  No pressure, just inspiration from photos that I've saved over the years that motivate and make me feel happy.  Plus we all get a little excited knowing its Friday and we have the whole weekend to have fun and spend time with family and friends.

This week I've got some lovely (and that should be in caps LOVELY) photos from my favorite cottage garden that isn't even real.  Your puzzled I know....it was real but sadly now it's gone.  It's a creation from the Chelsea Garden Show.  The "Pensioner's Garden" won Best in Show for garden designer Julian Dowle in 2005.

THIS is how I want my little cottage garden to look.  Every year I look at these pictures and am amazed at how this garden has a look of history, like it has been around for years.  I don't yet know how to capture that look but maybe this year will be the year.  Keep on dreaming...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If you're lucky enough to be Irish, then you're lucky enough

I have an annual ritual on St. Patty's Day to plop on the sofa with a big bowl of popcorn and watch "The Quiet Man". Please if you haven't seen this movie run right out now and get it before it's gone. Starring John Wayne, the beautiful Maureen O'Hara and Barry Fitzgerald. It was set in the beautiful west of Ireland in the village of Cong. All of the outdoor scenes were filmed there.

Here's a little preview clip. Take notice of the scene where she threatens to throw the stoneware crock at her brother but slams it down on the table instead....all those lovely blue dishes. What a beautiful Irish home. A charming movie.

"Lucky stars above you, Sunshine on your way, Many friends to love you, Joy in work and play ~ Laughter to outweigh each care, In your heart a song ~ And gladness waiting everywhere All your whole life long!"

xo Jenn

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's the 15th already! Time for another update.

Many sweet springtime creations are being offered this month at The Primitive Gatherings
You can tell by my offerings, I am thinking about the warmer weather.  Winter is not that long when you look at a calendar but living it day by day it sure does become a drag. 

The little bird with this rag doll "Sylvie" is the tiniest gusseted bird 
I've ever made....just about 3" long.  I love little things.

Hibernation is over I'm ready to get out there and tackle the mess left outside from all the snow.  I've got to-do lists everywhere.  I'm a list maker just like my mom.  Don't you hate when you take the time to make a list then leave it on the kitchen table and realize it's there WHILE your at the store?

Also the the Settler's Fare is coming to Mt. Vernon, Ohio on the 17 of April.  That will be here before we know it.  I can't wait to see all the great spring and summer primitives being offered but I still have lots of work to do!!

My heart is dreaming of butterflies these days.  

I'm in love with making these little primitive cloth paintings (that's what I call them).  They are really just old bits of quilt scraps appliqued onto more quilt scraps to create a picture.  This one is made into a pincushion that tucks inside the keepsake covered box.

For more information on these please visit theprimitivegathering.com

Happy Monday!  Jenn

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Ahead....tomorrow

Time to move those clocks forward and pretend that winter is gone for good.  I'm doing the switch and changing over the house for warmer weather.  When I'm done I'm going to buy a few pots of spring blooms and celebrate! 

Enjoy your shortened weekend.  xoxo Jenn

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Website Update Tonight 8:00 p.m est.

Snowdrops and honeybees!!  Sunny and warmer here this week, just what we all needed.  Even Hannah has spring fever...darting around like a crazy kitten.

This evening I'm updating my website with a few new spring handmades.  Please stop by if you have time www.rabbithillprimitives.com

Have a happy day!  Jenn

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March! New Updates on Early Work Mercantile

Beautiful March is here ~ spring is on its way! 
Sorry he is sold.

I have a few updates on Early Work Mercantile this month.  A few little bunnies and a new project I've been working on which is what I would call a painting in fabrics.  Snipped and cut lots of old and early little bits of different fabric to create a picture.  I'm working on more right now...mostly are ideas with the garden (wonder why??).
Sorry she is sold.

For more info click here.  Getting Miss Lydia ready for school right now so this is a short post today!  Enjoy your day and have a great week!  Jenn
Sorry he is sold.