Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do you still get an Easter basket??

I do!!  ....but usually have to make it for myself.  It's almost always the same, an old green painted basket with purple sweet smelling hyacinths; tete a tete daffodils (those mini daffodils that every store sells this time of year); and little pansies with there happy faces looking over the edge of the basket.  The dirt is always covered in green moss from the garden...you can't go wrong with moss, it makes everything look prettier!

This year I haven't had a moment to even think about making a basket, I've been so busy.  The count down is on for the Settler's Fare show in Ohio.....18 more days!!  Maybe I'll break down and make one, there's still time but for now here's a few pictures of my favorites.  Enjoy ~ Jenn xo

I love this one with the herbs tucked inside the egg shells.

*Photos from Southern Living, Martha Stewart Living, Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma


  1. Hi Jenn!....that is something I've always wanted is an Easter basket....I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and they don't celebrate Easter, they celebrate the Last Supper....I left that religion when I was 17 so it's ancient history....but I have always given my boys an Easter basket up until last year when I wasn't speaking to one and the other one told me he doesn't really like candy and doesn't want one anymore....WHAT??!!....doesn't like candy!!....he's not mine! LOL!! just kidding of course!....I used to LOVE making Easter baskets for my boys, especially when they were little! (they are ages 25 and 20 now)

    I hope you find the time to put a lovely basket together for yourself....maybe I will do the same!

    Have a joyous remainder of the week and a happy Easter!


  2. Hi Jenn, loved all the pics of the Easter Baskets, I liked the last one with the woodsy type basket filled with daffodils and little chicks. I hope you get your goodies all ready for your show. Have a Very Happy Easter, Blessings Karen

  3. I actually do still get an Easter basket from my sweetie and I still make them for my children :)

    You always have the most gorgeous photo's and the most beautiful post..I do so love visiting you my friend.

    Wishing you a lovely day!
    Hugs, D

  4. A lovely post Jenn...It certainly puts one into the spirit of Springtime. A basket overflowing with plants fit for the garden is my favourite. I do fancy the photo of the eggshells filled with herbs...what a pleasant idea.

    Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday and a delightful Springtime!


  5. Jenn ~~ Wonderful Photos ... loved every one, thanks for sharing. I do make a basket each year for the Easter table...which I love, it always has purple hyacinths & daffodils and a fuzzy chick or two. Hope you find time to create one for yourself again this year.
    Easter Blessing to you, Dino & Lydia. ~
    Love & Hugs, Connie xox

  6. Hi Jenn,

    It was great to discover your lovely blog and thank you for visiting mine.
    Love all the photos you have shared especially the cloches with the nest and eggs and the daffodils and chicks, so cute.

    Have a very happy Easter


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