Thursday, April 1, 2010

Early Work Mercantile April Offerings

(This has sold.)
I only have one offering this month.  I've been busy as a bee but won't ever complain about that!  Thankful for every little bit of busy~ness :)

This month I'm offering the springtime gathering above.  which includes the bunny, strawberry and cloth covered box.  For additional pictures and lots more info please visit Early Work Mercantile.

Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day where ever you may be!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn, your not the only the one that wishes the pond wasn't quite so wide. I have met so many lovely people through making prims this last few years, and it would be lovely if I could just meet a handful of them. Love your new offerings on Mercantile, but missed out . . . . AGAIN LOL! I hope you have a lovely Easter, try not to work too much over the Easter break, Love & Blessings, Karen


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