Thursday, May 26, 2011

Frogs in the Garden

really he's a toad but i thought frog sounded better in the title.

Going through my baskets to replant , I found this little guy under an old pot of dirt still stuck in there from last year...highly organized gardener that I am. 

I don't know how long or how he even got in there but he gave me such a start, I screamed - loud!!! 

He looks angry 

 "get outta my house!"

He now lives in here.  A highly secretive place so the kids won't find him and want to keep him as a hostage in their bedrooms.

He's been in and out of there for the last 3 days so maybe after 6 years of vacancy the frog house will have it's first boarder. 

Sunny hugs,
Jenn :)


  1. Hi, Jenn
    He is so big~ what a cutie~ love his new home~ I am sure he will be happier in there instead of the bedrooms!!LOL

  2. You should work for National Geographic, Jenn! Great close-up of Mr. Frog-Toad! Gotta love 'em! ~*~Lisa

  3. frogs are cute in a creepy sorta way LOL!...whatta cute house he has!


  4. Your post brought a chuckle and a smile ! Those are awesome pics . Mr.Frog has a great new home.Hugs,Jen

  5. Hi Jenn,

    So glad that mr Frog was able to be relocated to a new home. Your photographs are lovely.
    Reminds me of the time I was putting scraps in the compost bin and a large Mr Rat jumped out at me and I got such a fright. After that I would bang on the side of the bin when I was opening the lid.

    Happy weekend

  6. LOL ... So Cute Jenn !! Never saw a Toad House before so glad he has taken up residency.
    Have a Fun & Safe Memorial Day Week-End !!
    Love & Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  7. Hello Jenn...Oh my, what a handsome little chap! Now that Mr. Toad has such fine accommodations, he shall be a permanent tenant in your garden surely.

    Wishing you and yours a pleasant holiday weekend!


  8. Jenn ~
    Great pics! I, too, have a frog hut I found at a sale last year but mine still is vacant.
    Happy Memorial Day!
    Hugs :)


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