Wednesday, June 1, 2011

taking a break to garden

I'm taking a week off to get my house and garden finished.  Not that those things ever get finished but you know what I mean. 

It's also my birthday week and I thought I deserved a week of weeding for a nice present.  Those darn gardeners just aren't coming!!
I am so pleased with my cottage garden this year.  (you know how we like to show off our babies.)  It really has taken off and is looking more like its been there for a while all rambley and wild. 

Now if only I could get a pretty little thatched roof cottage....

Have a great week.....until we meet again my friends. 

I'll miss ya!

Sunny hugs,

p.s. Petunia did have babies!  We've had these two hopping around for the last week.  So tiny they could fit in your hand.  And yes I know that is poison ivy up there.  It's been a good year for that also!


  1. Jenn~

    Enjoy your gardening & your birthday!! Love the picture with the garden chairs. Ms. Petunia's babies are adorable.

    Have a wonderful week~Becky

  2. Oh deary lovely your gardens are Jenn! I always fancy an English garden...quite fine at hiding those nasty weeds. Perhaps Momma Petunia shall teach the youngsters to munch away at the weeds only? "Dream, dream, dream..."

    Enjoy your gardens, and I wish you the HAPPIEST of birthdays!

    Warm hugs and wishes...
    Judy ox

  3. Hi Jenn~
    Your garden is looking wonderful~happy birthday to you! I posted a few pics of my flowers if you want to take a peek. Have a wonderful day!

  4. I just love your cottage garden, really nice. I know what you mean, no gardener here either. But I love to piddle in my flower beds, just went to the garden centers today to pick up those last few flowers, well maybe the last trip, say that every year and end up back buying plants, addictive. LOL Have a good time in your flowers, can't wait to see more. Vicky

  5. What a Pretty Garden you have, love the top picture .... almost looks like a paper flower.
    Hope you get to spend some time relaxing & sipping something sweet as you putz around inside & out.
    Happy Birthday a little early my Friend, Wishing you all the Best !!
    Love & Hugs ~~ Connie xox

  6. What a lovely green haven!! Have fun puttering and dreaming as you garden!! Just stay away from the poison ivy!!
    Wishing you a most lovely Birthday week too!! Enjoy each day and celebrate YOU!!

    Blessings and Birthday Hugs~~

  7. Happiest of birthdays to you! May all your wishes come true as you travel around the sun this year!
    (love the little one in the garden) ;)
    xx, shell


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